


Today at work I had an interesting discussion with one of my coworkers. He was surprised when he had the following happen to him:

assert(-1 % 10 == -1)  //Expecting 9


So when he came to ask me about it, I told him "well, that makes sense. When you divide -1 by 10, you get 0 with -1 remaining. His argument however was that the modulus operator is supposed to hold true to the "always positive" model. I did a little research and found that the modulus he was referring to looks like this:

a = n * q + r

a = n * q + r

I 使用的定义似乎是模数的Knuth版本,即:

The definition I was using, however, appears to be the Knuth version of modulus, which is:

r = a-n * q

r = a - n * q


So, my question is why it ended up in the FORTRAN standard (and subsequently the C-standard) to have the modulus operator truncate toward 0? It seems like a misnomer to me to call it "modulus" and not "remainder" (In math, the answer really should be 9). Is this related to how hardware is doing the division?




C将其称为%运算符,并将其结果称为余数. C ++从C复制它.两种语言都没有将其称为模运算符.这也解释了为什么余数为负的原因:因为/运算符会截断为0,并且(a / b) * b + (a % b)应该等于a.

C calls it the % operator, and calls its result the remainder. C++ copies this from C. Neither language calls it the modulus operator. This also explains why the remainder is negative: because the / operator truncates towards 0, and (a / b) * b + (a % b) should equal a.

编辑:DavidRodríguez正确地指出C ++ 确实定义了一个模板类std::modulus,该类称为operator%.我认为,该类的名字很差.稍微挖掘一下,它是从STL继承而来的,它现在已经被命名. STL的下载内容为:"STL是在SGI MIPSproTM C ++ 7.0、7.1、7.2和7.2.1上开发的."据我所知,实际上没有编译器和硬件,MIPSpro会将其划分给CPU和处理器. MIPS硬件将截断为0,这意味着std::modulus始终被错误命名.

Edit: David Rodríguez rightly points out that C++ does define a template class std::modulus, which calls operator%. In my opinion, that class is poorly named. Digging a little bit, it is inherited from STL where it was already named as it is now. The download for STL says "The STL was developed on SGI MIPSproTM C++ 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, and 7.2.1.", and as far as I can tell without actually having the compiler and hardware, MIPSpro passes the division to the CPU and MIPS hardware truncates to 0, which would mean std::modulus has always been misnamed.

