Today at work I had an interesting discussion with one of my coworkers. He was surprised when he had the following happen to him:
assert(-1 % 10 == -1) //Expecting 9
So when he came to ask me about it, I told him "well, that makes sense. When you divide -1 by 10, you get 0 with -1 remaining. His argument however was that the modulus operator is supposed to hold true to the "always positive" model. I did a little research and found that the modulus he was referring to looks like this:
a = n * q + r
a = n * q + r
I 使用的定义似乎是模数的Knuth版本,即:
The definition I was using, however, appears to be the Knuth version of modulus, which is:
r = a-n * q
r = a - n * q
So, my question is why it ended up in the FORTRAN standard (and subsequently the C-standard) to have the modulus operator truncate toward 0? It seems like a misnomer to me to call it "modulus" and not "remainder" (In math, the answer really should be 9). Is this related to how hardware is doing the division?
- 有关Modulus的维基百科
- 模数"运算符上的MSDN条目
(是的,我意识到它是针对VS2003的...我目前仍坚持使用它.Sadface) - 模运算符更改
- 不要假设正余数...
- Wikipedia on Modulus
- MSDN entry on the "modulus" operator
(Yes, i realize its for VS2003...I'm stuck with it currently. Sadface) - Modulus operator changes
- Don't assume positive remainder...