


我在这个activity上添加了三个 Buttons 。我希望当我点击 List按钮 code> MapView Activity ,这

MapPinsListView Activity 将会在 MapView &休息视图将保持不变,即,所有标签都将按照他们打算工作的方式工作。但是,我在使用它时遇到问题,当我点击列表时,意图将启动新的活动&孔视图被其活动视图取代,而我只希望框架视图将通过所谓的意图&当点击 MapPinsListView 地图按钮时, MapView 将会启动。我应该怎么做。


谢谢 $ b $我有一个很长的R& D我有最好的方式来做到这一点是

1 。代码扩展ActivityGroup的TabGroupActivity。此活动的目的是管理选项卡中的活动。请注意,儿童活动可以在看到此处之前处理按键。

2.编码不同的类(例如TabGroupHome,TabGroupFavourite,TabGroupMassage等等) &安培;扩展了TabGroupActivity。


I am using tabview in my application, in which Home is default tab selected

I add three Buttons over this activity.I want that when i click on List button of MapView Activity, thisMapPinsListView Activity will start on the same frame over MapView & rest view will remains same i.e., all tabs will works as they intended to work. However, i am facing a problem while using it, When i click on list, intent will start new activity & hole view get replaced by its activiy view, whereas i want only the frame view will change by the view of called intent & when click on Map button of MapPinsListView, MapView will start. How should i proceed.

Would appreciate your help a lot!



after having a long R&D i got the best way to do this is

1.code TabGroupActivity which extends ActivityGroup.The purpose of this Activity is to manage the activities in a tab. Note that Child Activities can handle Key Presses before they are seen here.

2.code different classes (e.g., TabGroupHome, TabGroupFavourite, TabGroupMassage & so on...) & extends TabGroupActivity.

3.finally code TabActivity which extends TabActivity & then add these TabGroupActivities(TabGroupHome, Favourite, Massage, Profile, Settings) ovew there respactive tabSpace.

finally, after completing these all different activities get managed over the same fram!http://ericharlow.blogspot.com/2010/09/experience-multiple-android-activities.html


07-25 19:44