



我正在编码Email Templates.给我的要转换为电子邮件模板的PSD具有rounded corners和一些background images.
使用背景图像和图像制作圆角表是否很好,还是应该使用cssbackground images一起使rounded corners.

i am coding Email Templates . Psd given to me that is to be converted to email template is having rounded corners and some background images .
Is it good to use background image and images to make rounded corners table or should i use css to make rounded corners along with background images .



Use images for your corners. You won't get border-radius to work properly across all clients. A 10x10 transparent .png is the best option. I didn't make the rounded corner images but you should get the idea with this example:

<table width="320" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#959595">
    <td width="10" height="10" bgcolor="#ffffff">
      <img src="" style="display:block;">
    <td width="100" height="10">
    <td width="10" height="10" bgcolor="#ffffff">
      <img src="" style="display:block;">
    <td width="10">
    <td width="300">
      Here is your content<br>...<br>...<br>...
    <td width="10">
    <td width="10" height="10" bgcolor="#ffffff">
      <img src="" style="display:block;">
    <td width="100" height="10">
    <td width="10" height="10" bgcolor="#ffffff">
      <img src="" style="display:block;">


07-25 19:37