


When attempting to start my servers, Apache fails to start, and MAMP claims that the port ([::]:8888) is already in use.

我已经试过几乎所有的方式,我知道确定哪些进程正在使用该端口(以及许多对SO pviously所列方案$ P $的),但我没有得到任何结果。无论是lsof的或有关端口netstat的8888名单东西似乎没有使用此端口在所有是任何东西。

I have tried virtually every way I know of determining what process is using that port (as well as many of the solutions previously listed on SO), but I get no results. Neither lsof or netstat list anything about port 8888. There does not appear to be anything using this port at all.


I need to either improve my search and find what(if anything) is really using the port, or somehow convince MAMP that the port is not actually in use. Any suggestions?


Changing the port to 8887 allows Apache to start. This doesn't change the fact that nothing is using port 8888 and it should work with that port.



Try going to activity monitor and searching for Mysqld and Httpd and end any processes for them. Then restart Mamp.


07-25 18:53