本文介绍了尝试在OS X上安装Qt时显示“您需要安装Xcode 5.0.0",但是此版本太旧了,无法使用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是Windows/Linux开发人员,偶尔为OS X构建程序-尤其是在Qt中.

I am a Windows/Linux developer who occasionally builds for OS X - particularly in Qt.

我有一个在Windows上开发的简单Qt项目.我现在希望在OS X上构建它.

I have a simple Qt project that I have been developing on Windows. I now wish to build it on OS X.

我正在跑步优胜美地.我已经安装了Xcode 7,并且正在尝试安装Qt 5.5.

I am running Yosemite. I have installed Xcode 7 and am attempting to install Qt 5.5.


When I run the Qt installer, immediately after the prompt to log in to Qt (which is successful), I receive the following error:

我试图在Apple Developer网站上找到Xcode 5.0.0,但这是最新版本的两个主要版本,而且我什至找不到该版本的安装程序.

I have attempted to locate Xcode 5.0.0 on the Apple Developer site, but this is 2 major versions behind the most recent version, and I cannot even find an installer for it.


More to the point, I do wonder why the most recent version of Qt requires a version of Xcode that is considered so old by Apple that it's not even available.

如何克服此问题,以便可以在OS X上安装Qt?

How do I overcome this problem so that I can get Qt installed on OS X?



I ran into the same problem and solved it by following the instructions here. This link describes a similar, but slightly different installer issue.

总而言之,您需要确保Xcode命令行工具已正确安装和设置.我已经安装了它们,但是不得不进入Xcode中的Preferences -> Locations并将下拉列表设置为当前安装的版本.

To summarize, you need to ensure that the Xcode command line tools are installed and set up correctly. I already had them installed, but had to go into Preferences -> Locations in Xcode and set the dropdown to the currently installed version.

该链接显示了Xcode的早期版本,其中路径实际上是Preferences -> Downloads -> Components.

The link shows an earlier version of Xcode where the path is actually Preferences -> Downloads -> Components.


Once I'd made this change, the installer continued successfully.

这篇关于尝试在OS X上安装Qt时显示“您需要安装Xcode 5.0.0",但是此版本太旧了,无法使用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 18:24