本文介绍了通过Microsoft Graph在Outlook加载项中获取自定义属性集的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




Let's say I have in my Outlook Add-In (using Office.js) following code running on a compose form of an appointment:

const item = Office.context.mailbox.item;
item.loadCustomPropertiesAsync((result) => {
    const props = result.value;
    const testProp = props.get("my_prop");
    console.log("CUSTOM_PROP", testProp);
    props.set("my_prop", "test_value");
    props.saveAsync((saveResult) =>
        console.log("SAVE_CUSTOM_PROP", saveResult));


I see, that it actually is saved on the event.


And now a bunch of questions regarding those custom properties:

  1. 但是那些与扩展属性有关吗?

  1. But are those somehow related to extended properties?

可以通过Outlook REST API或Microsoft Graph以某种方式访问​​那些属性吗?

Are those properties somehow accessible through Outlook REST API or Microsoft Graph?

是否可以使用Microsoft Graph和基于这些属性的过滤器来创建推送通知订阅? (我知道我可以基于扩展属性)

Can I create a push notifications subscription using Microsoft Graph with a filter based on those properties? (I know I can based on extended properties)


If the answer to above question is "no", and the custom properties are only accessible through the add-in which created them, is there a way to create a extended property to an event from the add-in, even if it's not saved?


To explain why I'm asking - I'm creating an add-in, which allows to "connect" an appointment with our 3rd party system, and keep that appointment in sync with our object.


So when a button is clicked on the compose form, I:

  • 保存约会并获取event-id
  • 将其存储在我们的系统中,以实现从系统到约会的同步.
  • 使用Microsoft Graph在我们的系统中为该约会添加扩展属性


In the first use of the add-in, the user authenticates, and I create a push notification subscription for events with our extended property, to do the sync from Outlook to our system.


It works great on OWA, but now as we really need to support desktop, two major issues are arising:

  • Outlook:没有saveAsync方法,因此无法获取事件的id,我正在考虑添加一些自定义属性,然后让推送通知通知我们的系统,该事件是已创建,需要与系统外同步.

  • Outlook for Mac: no saveAsync method, thus no way to get the event's id, I was thinking about adding some custom property, and then let the push notification inform our system, that an event was created which needs to be synced with out system.

Outlook:存在saveAsync方法,但是当约会保存在本地而不是在服务器上时执行回调,因此我不知道何时确切地创建了事件,我可以在该事件上进行一些Microsoft Graph调用.

Outlook for PC: there is the saveAsync method, but the callback is executed when the appointment is saved locally, not on the server, thus I can't know when exactly the event has been created and I can do some Microsoft Graph calls on that event.


Answer to my first question, and/or any tips about my use case would be more than welcome.


TL; DR;是的,可以使用REST API读取Office.js api loadCustomPropertiesAsync设置的自定义属性您需要创建一个看起来像

TL;DR;Yes it is possible to read custom properties set by Office.js api loadCustomPropertiesAsync using REST APIsYou need to create a REST call query that looks like

string addinManifestId = "<your manifest guid here>";//lower cases
string prop = @"String {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Name"+ string.Format(" cecp-{0}", addinManifestId );
var url = $"<apiEndpoint>/messages/<youritemid>?$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=PropertyId eq '{propertyname}')";


可在此处找到文档 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh968549(v=exchg.80).aspx

当我需要为加载项 Keluro .我通过REST API上的Web钩子实现了与您的方法非常接近的方法.据我所知,这是处理已发送邮件的唯一方法.考虑对此进行投票 https://officespdev.uservoice.com/forums/224641-feature-requests-and-feedback/suggestions/10964871-add-itemsend-event-so-add-in-can-cancel-email

I had a similar problem when I needed to handle "sent mail" for my add-in Keluro.I implemented something really close to your approach with a web hook on REST API. To my knowledge it is the only way to handle sent items.Consider upvoting thishttps://officespdev.uservoice.com/forums/224641-feature-requests-and-feedback/suggestions/10964871-add-itemsend-event-so-add-in-can-cancel-email

这篇关于通过Microsoft Graph在Outlook加载项中获取自定义属性集的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 12:35