本文介绍了Python 中 read()、readline() 和 readlines() 的区别的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在查看 网络 Python 标题中提到的命令及其区别;但是,我对这些命令的完整基本了解并不满意.

I was looking on a web of Python the commands mentioned in title and their difference; however, I have not satisfied with a complete basic understanding of these commands.


Suppose my file has only the following content.

这是我第一次在这个网站上提出问题,如果有人能澄清我对学习 Python 的疑问,我将不胜感激.我感谢 StackOverflow 提供这个平台.


In the commands read(), readline() and readlines(), one difference is of course reading whole file, or a single line, or specified line.

但我不明白这些命令中括号 () 的使用/必要性.例如,readline()readline(7) 有什么区别?如果参数 7 超过文件中的行数,会输出什么?

But I didn't understand the use/necessity of bracket () in these commands. For example, what is the difference in readline() and readline(7)? If the argument 7 exceeds the number of lines in the file, what will be output?

在上面提到的网页上,解释了read() 中的参数是做什么的;但是没有提到 readline()readlines() 中的参数是做什么的?

On the web mentioned above, it is explained what the argument in read() does; but it is not mentioned what the argument in readline() or readlines() does?



读取并返回 n 个字符的字符串,如果未提供 n,则将整个文件作为单个字符串返回.

Reads and returns a string of n characters, or the entire file as a single string if n is not provided.


返回文件的下一行,其中包含包括换行符在内的所有文本.如果将 n 作为参数提供,则如果行长于 n,则仅返回 n 个字符.

Returns the next line of the file with all text up to and including the newline character. If n is provided as a parameter than only n characters will be returned if the line is longer than n.


返回一个字符串列表,每个字符串代表文件的一行.如果未提供 n,则返回文件的所有行.如果提供了 n,则读取 n 个字符,但将 n 舍入以返回整行.

Returns a list of strings, each representing a single line of the file. If n is not provided then all lines of the file are returned. If n is provided then n characters are read but n is rounded up so that an entire line is returned.

这篇关于Python 中 read()、readline() 和 readlines() 的区别的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 18:24