本文介绍了如何在camera2 API中使用reprocessCaptureRequest的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试更新摄像头proyect到Android N并且在连续性中移动我的旧到。我做到了它工作正常,但有了这个新功能,我可以在我的设备中使用 CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG 模板,我可以使用。

I'm trying to update a camera proyect to Android N and in consecuense Im moving my old CameraCaptureSession to a ReprocessableCaptureSession. I did it and it is working fine, but with this new feature I can use the CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG template in my device and I can reprocess frames with the reprocessCaptureRequest.

这是我的问题出现的地方。因为我没有找到任何示例,我真的不明白有关如何使用 reprocessCaptureRequest 的小文档:

Here is where my problem appear. Cause I don't find any example,and I don't really understand the little documentation about how to use a reprocessCaptureRequest:

我试过在但他们做的与我相同。使用倍数imageReaders,在 LinkedBlockingQueue< TotalCaptureResult> 中保存图片的 TotalCaptureResult 然后只需调用:

I tried to have a look to the CTS tests about the camera in google.sources but they do the same than me. Using multiples imageReaders, saving the TotalCaptureResult of the pictures in a LinkedBlockingQueue<TotalCaptureResult> And later just calling:

TotalCaptureResult totalCaptureResult = state.captureCallback.getTotalCaptureResult();
CaptureRequest.Builder reprocessCaptureRequest = cameraStore.state().cameraDevice.createReprocessCaptureRequest(totalCaptureResult);
sessionStore.state().session.capture(reprocessCaptureRequest.build(), null, this.handlers.bg());

java.lang .RuntimeException:捕获失败:第170帧中的原因0,

But it always throw me a RuntimeException:java.lang.RuntimeException: Capture failed: Reason 0 in frame 170,


I just wan't to know which is the right way to work with the ReprocessableCaptureSession cause I already tried everything and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Hope that someone will be able to help me!



最后我找到了使 reprocessableCaptureSession 工作的解决方案。
我使用Flux架构,所以当你看到 Dispatcher.dispatch(action)时不要混淆,只是把它看作一个回调。所以,这是我的代码:

Finally I found the solution to make my reprocessableCaptureSession work.I use with Flux architecture so don't be confused when you see Dispatcher.dispatch(action), just see it as a callback. So, here is my code:


 //Configure preview surface
     Size previewSize = previewState.previewSize;
     previewState.previewTexture.setDefaultBufferSize(previewSize.getWidth(), previewSize.getHeight());

     ArrayList<Surface> targets = new ArrayList<>();
     for (SessionOutputTarget outputTarget : state.outputTargets) {
        Surface surface = outputTarget.getSurface();
        if (surface != null) targets.add(surface);
     CameraCharacteristics cameraCharacteristics = cameraStore.state().availableCameras.get(cameraStore.state().selectedCamera);
     Size size = CameraCharacteristicsUtil.getYuvOutputSizes(cameraCharacteristics).get(0);

     InputConfiguration inputConfiguration = new InputConfiguration(size.getWidth(),
        size.getHeight(), ImageFormat.YUV_420_888);

     CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback sessionStateCallback = new CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback() {
        public void onConfigured(@NonNull CameraCaptureSession session) {
           if (sessionId != currentSessionId) {
              Timber.e("Session opened for an old open request, skipping. Current %d, Request %d", currentSessionId, sessionId);

           try {
              //This call is irrelevant,
              //however session might have closed and this will throw an IllegalStateException.
              //This happens if another camera app (or this one in another PID) takes control
              //of the camera while its opening
           } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
              Timber.e("Another process took control of the camera while creating the session, aborting!");

           Dispatcher.dispatchOnUi(new SessionOpenedAction(session));

        public void onConfigureFailed(@NonNull CameraCaptureSession session) {
           if (sessionId != currentSessionId) {
              Timber.e("Configure failed for an old open request, skipping. Current %d, request %d", currentSessionId, sessionId);

           Timber.e("Failed to configure the session");
           Dispatcher.dispatchOnUi(new SessionFailedAction(session, new IllegalStateException("onConfigureFailed")));

     if (state.outputMode == OutputMode.PHOTO) {
        cameraState.cameraDevice.createReprocessableCaptureSession(inputConfiguration, targets, sessionStateCallback, handlers.bg());
     } else if (state.outputMode == OutputMode.VIDEO) {
        cameraState.cameraDevice.createCaptureSession(targets, sessionStateCallback, handlers.bg());

  } catch (IllegalStateException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
     Timber.e(e, "Something went wrong trying to start the session");
  } catch (CameraAccessException e) {
     //Camera will throw CameraAccessException if another we try to open / close the
     //session very fast.
     Timber.e("Failed to access camera, it was closed");

使用4个曲面创建的照片会话(预览,YUV(输入), JPEG和RAW)。之后,我配置了我的imageWriter:

Photo session as been created with 4 surfaces(Preview, YUV(input), JPEG and RAW). After it, I configure my imageWriter:

   Dispatcher.subscribe(Dispatcher.VERY_HIGH_PRIORITY, SessionOpenedAction.class)
     .filter(a -> isInPhotoMode())
     .subscribe(action -> {
           PhotoState newState = new PhotoState(state());
           newState.zslImageWriter = ImageWriter.newInstance(action.session.getInputSurface(), MAX_REPROCESS_IMAGES);


Ok, now we have the ImageWriter and the session created. No we start the streaming with the repeating request:

         CaptureRequest.Builder captureRequestBuilder =

         state.session.setRepeatingRequest(captureRequestBuilder.build(), state.zslCaptureCallback, handlers.bg());

要不添加大量代码,只需说zslCaptureCallback是自定义回调即可保存在 LinkedBlockingQueue< TotalCaptureRequest> X最后的TotalCaptureRequests。另外,我使用yuvImageReader(输入一个)保存队列中的最后X个图像。

To don't add a lot of code, just say that the zslCaptureCallback is a custom callback which save in a LinkedBlockingQueue<TotalCaptureRequest> the X last TotalCaptureRequests. Also, I do the same with the yuvImageReader(input one) saving the last X images in a queue.


Finally here is my "take photo" method:

try {
        //Retrieve the last image stored by the zslImageReader
        Image image = zslImageReaderListener.getImage();
        //Retrieve the last totalCaptureResult from the zslCaptureCallback and create a reprocessableCaptureRequest with it
        TotalCaptureResult captureResult = sessionStore.state().zslCaptureCallback.getCaptureResult(image.getTimestamp());
        CaptureRequest.Builder captureRequest = cameraStore.state().cameraDevice.createReprocessCaptureRequest(captureResult);
        //Add the desired target and values to the captureRequest
        //Queued back to ImageWriter for future consumption.
        //Drain all the unused and queued CapturedResult from the CaptureCallback
        //Capture the desired frame
        CaptureRequest futureCaptureResult = captureRequest.build();
        sessionStore.state().session.capture(futureCaptureResult, new CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback() {
           public void onCaptureCompleted(@NonNull CameraCaptureSession session,
                                          @NonNull CaptureRequest request,
                                          @NonNull TotalCaptureResult result) {
              Dispatcher.dispatchOnUi(new PhotoStatusChangedAction(PhotoState.Status.SUCCESS));

           public void onCaptureFailed(@NonNull CameraCaptureSession session,
                                       @NonNull CaptureRequest request,
                                       @NonNull CaptureFailure failure) {
              super.onCaptureFailed(session, request, failure);
              Exception captureFailedException = new RuntimeException(
                 String.format("Capture failed: Reason %s in frame %d, was image captured? -> %s",
              Timber.e(captureFailedException, "Cannot take mediaType, capture failed!");

              Dispatcher.dispatchOnUi(new PhotoStatusChangedAction(PhotoState.Status.ERROR, captureFailedException));
        }, this.handlers.bg());

        //Capture did not blow up, we are taking the photo now.
        newState.status = PhotoState.Status.TAKING;

     } catch (CameraAccessException | InterruptedException| IllegalStateException | IllegalArgumentException | SecurityException e) {
        Timber.e(e, "Cannot take picture, capture error!");
        newState.status = PhotoState.Status.ERROR;

这篇关于如何在camera2 API中使用reprocessCaptureRequest的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 17:53