本文介绍了如何在camera2 Android API中将BottomBar创建为StickyBottomCaptureLayout?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


android-7.1.1_r12 api中,android.hardware.camera2使用 StickyBottomCaptureLayout 作为 "BottomBar" 以显示操作按钮(如开关相机,快门和最近的图片按钮).无论设备方向如何,此StickyBottomCaptureLayout始终显示在系统栏的上方/附近(该菜单栏具有后退",主页"和其他应用程序按钮).

In the android-7.1.1_r12 api, the android.hardware.camera2 uses a StickyBottomCaptureLayout as a "BottomBar" to display the action buttons (as switch-camera, shutter and recent picture buttons). Whatever the device orientation, this StickyBottomCaptureLayout is displayed always above/near the system bar (which has back, home and other apps buttons).


For example, this is what it looks when the rotation degree is 0 or 180:


And, by orienting the device and get a rotation degree as 90 or 270, the StickyBottomCaptureLayout is now near the system bar:


Usually, this above screenshot should has the sticky bar on the left and camera on the right...

  1. 我首先尝试使用layout-land设置不同的布局,但是没有运气!我无法更改默认的从左到右方向,并使底部的条形图固定在270度上的Android系统栏上.

  1. I firstly tried to set different layout with layout-land, but no luck! I cannot change the default left-to-right orientation and get the bottom bar sticks to the Android system bar on 270 degrees.


I cannot extend these widgets, but I tried to reproduce the case. For example, I got two layouts:

    <ViewGroup .../> // containing the upper views

    <StickyBottomBar .../> // same behavior as StickyBottomCaptureLayout


On each orientation changes, I get the rotation's device and set the correct gravity for upper layout and the sticky bar, something as follows:

if (rotation == 0) {
    // views gravity = TOP
    // sticky gravity = BOTTOM
} else if (rotation == 90) {
    // views gravity = LEFT
    // sticky gravity = RIGHT
} else if (rotation == 180) {
    // views gravity = BOTTOM
    // sticky gravity = TOP
} else if (rotation == 270) {
    // views gravity = RIGHT
    // sticky gravity = LEFT


However, this is not working at all. I don't know how these widgets make it work properly.

有人更改设备方向(始终在Android系统栏上方或附近)时,是否有解决方案来重现底部栏的情况?请记住,我的最低SDK低于21,因此我无法访问android.hardware.camera2 api.

Does someone has a solution to reproduce the case of the bottom bar when the device orientation is changing (always above or near the Android system bar)? Keeping in mind that my minimum SDK is below 21, so I have no access to android.hardware.camera2 api.


我刚刚找到了解决方案:我需要为每个布局设置一个RectF,并为其设置正确的坐标. 在源类中,我设法做到了:

I just found the solution: I need to set a RectF for each layout and set them with the right coordinates. From the source class, I manage to do this:

protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
    // rotation from context Surface.ROTATION
    int degrees = getDeviceRotation(getContext());
    // size of the sticky bottom bar
    int offsetSize = (int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.sticky_bar_default_size);

    // layout sticky bottom bar
    RectF bottomBarRect = getStickyBarRect(degrees, offsetSize);
    mBottomBar.layout((int) bottomBarRect.left, (int) bottomBarRect.top,
            (int) bottomBarRect.right, (int) bottomBarRect.bottom);

    // layout upper view
    RectF upperViewRect = getUpperViewRect(degrees, offsetSize);
    mUpperView.layout(...); // same logic as above


// Gets the coordinates positions to set the Sticky Bottom Bar
private RectF getStickyBarRect(int degrees, int offsetSize) {
    float left = 0, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0;
    int width = getWidth();
    int height = getHeight();

    if (degrees == 0) { // stickybar at bottom
        top = height - offsetSize;
        right = width;
        bottom = height;
    } else if (degrees == 90) { // stickybar at right
        left = width - offsetSize;
        right = width;
        bottom = height;
    } else if (degrees == 180) { // stickybar at top
        right = width;
        bottom = height - offsetSize;
    } else if (degrees == 270) { // stickybar at left
        right = offsetSize;
        bottom = height;

    return new RectF(left, top, right, bottom);

// Gets the coordinates positions to set the upper views
private RectF getUpperViewRect(int degrees, int offsetSize) {
    // same logic as getStickyBarRect()


我找到了一种方法来再现平滑的方向,例如使用此答案的原生camera2应用.使用方向侦听器和configChanges选项,我可以在没有默认旋转动画的情况下重新组织视图.我在onLayout()中设置适当的位置,然后调用invalidate(). ;)

I found a way to reproduce the smooth orientation like the native camera2 app with this answer. Using an orientation listener and the configChanges options, I'm able to reorganize the views without the default rotation animation. I set the proper positions in onLayout() and call invalidate(). ;)

这篇关于如何在camera2 Android API中将BottomBar创建为StickyBottomCaptureLayout?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 17:46