本文介绍了Windows Phone的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是Windows 开发者,我需要一些关于windows phone lumia&model模式的建议。

I am Windows  Developer, I need some suggestion about windows phone lumia  model.

现在windows lumia后门看起来并不好看。大家和我一起开心,windows手机lumia后门颜色,大家侮辱我,还有windows lumia颜色。绿色,红色,蓝色......这是什么......?  请回复你的意见......?  并请

Now windows lumia back door not looking good..Everybody  fun with me about, windows phone lumia back door colour, everybody insulting me, also windows lumia colors. Green, Red, Blue,...what is this...?  please reply ur opinion...?  and please  make better style  lumia phone.



Not sure if it is the right forum for your question.

无论如何,这只是我个人的意见。我个人使用诺基亚lumia 1520,没有其他设备仍然无法与我的相机竞争。什么是其他设备支持的功能,我的设备中已经存在。颜色是比较其他人的

Anyway, This is just my personal opinion. I am personally using Nokia lumia 1520 and no other device still can not compete with my camera. What ever the features other devices supporting, that are already there in my device too. Colors is good option compare to others. In deed, you can choose white or black as they are professional colors.

将诺基亚Lumia 1520与iPhone 6和三星galaxy s5进行比较。 Lumia 1520在功能和价格方面仍然是最好的。微软计划很快发布

Compare Nokia Lumia 1520 with iPhone 6 and Samsung galaxy s5. Lumia 1520 is still best in features and price as well. Microsoft is planning to release smart watch very soon.  

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09-14 14:00