

我目前有一个Visual Studio 2013,根据本文,我已对其进行手动编辑以使用NuGet自动程序包还原:https://docs.nuget.org/consume/package-restore/migrating-to-automatic-package-restore


但是,我注意到打开解决方案后,Visual Studio会自动将解决方案还原为使用基于MSBuild的程序包还原,而不是保留NuGet程序包还原设置.

无论我编辑了多少次项目文件,只要在Visual Studio中打开解决方案,它便会继续签出我的项目并重新添加基于MSBuild Project的还原设置.

当我在Visual Studio 2015中打开解决方案时,不会发生这种情况,但是当我打开Visual Studio 2013解决方案时,NuGet在VS 2015中被完全破坏,从而完全停止了我的开发(VS 2015的RTM版本存在缺陷)已经 报告给VS 2015计划经理).

请帮助我在VS 2013中解决此问题!!



我想您可能已经打开了一些解决方案来打开事件,这些事件从TFS服务器中检出最新文件.检查是否有对解决方案事件有任何影响的Visual Studio扩展.

还尝试制作解决方案文件的副本,然后打开新的解决方案副本,看看它是否仍将还原设置添加回项目文件中,这将确保TFS不是问题. /p>

I currently have a Visual Studio 2013 which I have manually edited to use NuGet Automatic Package Restore based on this article:https://docs.nuget.org/consume/package-restore/migrating-to-automatic-package-restore

My solution is bound to TFS Source Control.

However, I have noticed that once I open my solution, Visual Studio automatically reverts the solution to use MSBuild-based Package Restore rather than retaining the NuGet Package Restore settings.

No matter how many times I have edited the project files, as soon as I open the solution in Visual Studio, it keeps on checking out my projects and adding back the MSBuild Project Based restore settings.

When I open the solution in Visual Studio 2015, this does not occur, but NuGet is completely broken in VS 2015 when I open a Visual Studio 2013 solution, thus completely halting my development (defect with the RTM release of VS 2015 which has already been reported to the VS 2015 Program Manager).

Please help me fix this issue in VS 2013!!



What I guess is that you may have some solution opened events that check out the latest files from TFS server. Check if you got any Visual Studio extensions that have any effect to the solution events.

Also try to make a copy of the solution file, then open the new solution copy, see if it still adds back the restore settings to the project file, this will make sure it's not the problem with the TFS.


09-03 02:00