

本文介绍了停止WCF服务会导致Windows 7重新启动的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个由Windows服务托管的WCF服务,该服务在Windows XP下运行得很好.  如果我停止托管WCF服务的窗口服务, 大多数情况下,PC会自动重新启动.我检查了事件日志,并看到每次重新启动都与事件系统中事件ID为4625的以下事件记录相关联

I have a WCF service hosted by window service which is running pretty well under Windows XP.  Recently, I run the WCF service under Windows 7, which still run well except that:  If I stop the window service hosting the WCF service, most of the time, the PC reboot automatically.  I checked eventlog and saw each reboot is associated with the following event record from Event System with event id 4625

EventSystem子系统禁止重复的事件日志条目,持续时间为86400秒.抑制超时可以通过以下注册表项下的REG_DWORD值SuppressDuplicateDuration来控制:HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ EventSystem \ EventLog.

The EventSystem sub system is suppressing duplicate event log entries for a duration of 86400 seconds. The suppression timeout can be controlled by a REG_DWORD value named SuppressDuplicateDuration under the following registry key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\EventSystem\EventLog.






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07-25 17:24