我正在构建一个包含以下内容的 HTML 网页:
GJBQTCXU"是一串字母组成的代码;但是,屏幕阅读器会尝试将其发音为单个单词.我怎样才能阻止他们尝试发音这个无意义的单词,而是让它一次读一个字母:G J B Q T C X U".
尝试使用 CSS letter-spacing 属性 -
G J B Q T C X Udiv {字母间距:-1.9px;}
I'm building an HTML webpage that contains the following content:
"GJBQTCXU" is a code comprised of a string of letters; however, screen readers attempt to pronounce this as a single word. How can I stop them from attempting to pronounce this nonsensical word and instead get it to read one letter at a time: "G J B Q T C X U".
As clarification, I'm building this page so that screen readers automatically do the right thing. I know that users can choose to have their reader pronounce each letter at a time, but I don't want my users to have to take any additional steps.
try using CSS letter-spacing property -
<div>G J B Q T C X U</div>
div {