

本文介绍了在Pandoc Markdown输出中生成内联而不是列表样式的脚注?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当从某种格式(例如HTML或Docx)转换为Pandoc中的Markdown时,可以用内联样式(这是主要文本^ [这是一个脚注]")呈现所有脚注,而不是在文件末尾标有编号的参考文献和相应的清单?我想将Markdown文档(从论文的Docx转换而来)作为主要文本进行处理,但是现在,如果我添加新的脚注,则会弄乱编号.

When converting from some format (say, HTML or Docx) to Markdown in Pandoc, is it possible to render all footnotes in the inline style ("this is the main text^[this is a footnote]") rather than as numbered references with a corresponding list at the end of the document? I want to work on my Markdown documents (converted from a Docx of my thesis) as master texts, but now if I add a new footnote it messes up the numbering.


Alternatively, is there another convenient way (i.e. not Pandoc) that this could be done? Cutting text in one part of a file and adding corresponding text in another part seems a bit beyond a simple regex.



I've just hacked up an extremely simple Python script to do this, in case anyone else has the same issue.



Pandoc's Markdown syntax is quite flexible about footnotes:


Here is a footnote reference[^1] and some more text.

[^1]: Here is the footnote.

Here's the next paragraph.

但是,Markdown Writer(生成markdown文件的模块,而不是读取它们的模块)目前仅将它们全部放在文档末尾.但这可以在类似于--reference-links标志的标志后面实现.随时提交问题或请求请求!

However, the Markdown Writer (the module that generates markdown files, as opposed to reading them) currently simply places all of them at the end of the document. But this could be implemented behind a flag, similar to the --reference-links flag. Feel free to submit an issue or pull request!

这篇关于在Pandoc Markdown输出中生成内联而不是列表样式的脚注?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 16:52