我使用webfont在网站上显示一些图标。这是太棒了,因为他们规模,我可以打印他们,如果我想...但问题是,盲人看到他们作为正常的字母或字符。以下示例返回一个很好的Icon +文字。
I use a webfont to display some icons on a website. This is fantastic because they scale, and i can print them if i want to... But the problem is that blind people see them as normal letters or characters. The following example returns me a nice Icon + text.
<span>i</span> Info
<span>t</span> Contact
盲人只读:iInfo,tContact等。 ..
A blind person will just read: iInfo, tContact etc...
可能以某种方式只定位盲文 - &屏幕阅读器与CSS?
Is it possible somehow to target only braille- & screen-readers with CSS?
I found this on the w3 website, but I'm not sure if the work in real live:http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/media.html#media-types
Does anyone have any experience with this?
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& :之后
- >一些屏幕阅读器,如MacOS的VoiceOver读取内容部分大声。我已经用我的自我测试过了。
& :after
-> Some screen-readers such as VoiceOver for MacOS do read the "content" part out loud. I have tested this by my self.
@media braille,speech
- >接缝没有影响VoiceOver。它读取屏幕上显示的内容(使用safari和Chrome测试)
@media braille, speech
-> Seams not to have a influence on VoiceOver. It reads whats visible on the screen (tested with safari & chrome)
- >对VoiceOver或NVDA没有任何影响()
speak: none;
-> has no influence at all on VoiceOver or NVDA ( https://twitter.com/#!/jcsteh/status/143848614979055616 )
I think there is no "ultimate solution" to this. But you can use the abbr-tag to describe the use of your font-char, therefore most screen-readers will read-out the title-param of abbr and the user gets the meaning of the 'icon-character'.
我不是100%肯定,但因为它接缝NVDA,JAWS和VoiceOver的iOS这是工程 - 在Mac OS X(不幸的是)不 ...
I'm not 100% sure, but as it seams NVDA, JAWS and VoiceOver for iOS this works — on Mac OS X (unfortunately) not…
<abbr title="Attachment Icon">A</abbr>