当您在使用 VoiceOver 时将注意力集中在计算器应用程序中的数字键上(通过轻点一次、在其上滑动手指或向左/向右滑动),VoiceOver 会播报按钮标题.然后,如果您通过双击激活"按钮,它会按下按钮,VoiceOver 会以比按钮标题通知更高的音调读出插入到计算器显示中的字符.
When you focus on a digit key in the Calculator app when using VoiceOver (either by tapping it once, sliding a finger over it, or by swiping left/right to it), VoiceOver announces the button title. Then if you "activate" the button by double tapping, it presses the button and VoiceOver announces the character that was inserted into the Calculator display with a higher pitch than the button title announcement.
我的问题是:如何在我的应用中获得相同的按钮行为 - 在激活按钮时以更高的音调重复按钮标题?
My question is: how can I get the same behavior for buttons in my app - repeat the button title in a higher pitch upon activating the button?
I've set the accessibility traits to Keyboard Key. I've tried to post an announcement notification but that announcement is not in a higher pitch.
当用户调用您的控件的操作时,重写 accessibilityActivate 方法以执行某些操作.
Override the accessibilityActivate method to perform certain actions when the user has invoked the action of your control.