

本文介绍了VBA Word - 更改小数点分隔符的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我周围的一些人在 windows/office 中使用国家本地化.不幸的是,这导致我的宏无法做简单的数学运算,因为它们使用逗号作为小数点位置,而我编辑的 pov-ray 文件仅使用逗号作为列表分隔符,点作为小数点.我知道在 Excel 中可以使用

Some people around me using national localization in windows/office. Unfortunately this leads to situation where my macros fail to do simple math as they using comma for decimal position and the pov-ray files, that I editing, use comma only for list separator and point for decimal one. I know that in Excel one can override system decimal separator using

With Application.
    .DecimalSeparator = "."
    .ThousandsSeparator = ","
    .UseSystemSeparators = False
End With

然而,在 MS Word 中没有像 DecimalSeparator 这样的应用程序属性.MS Word 中是否有一种简单的方法可以在宏运行时覆盖系统分隔符?还是我需要在阅读 povray 文件时费力地替换它们?

There is however no such property of Application like DecimalSeparator in MS Word. Is there in MS Word a simple way to overwrite system separator for the time a macros is running? Or do I need to go hard way and replace them during reading of povray files?



Being not very patient I did it the "harder way". I declared public variable

Public strDecimal As String

然后在 main sub 的开头我设置它的值:

and then on the beginning of main sub I set its value with:

strDecimal = Application.International(wdDecimalSeparator)


Then in source I replaced all read-ins like


CDbl(Replace(strShort(5), ".", strDecimal))


Selection.TypeText Text:=CStr(Int(1000 * bondRadius) / 1000)

Selection.TypeText Text:=CStr(Replace(Int(1000 * bondRadius) / 1000, strDecimal, "."))


It's not as elegant as overwriting systems setting but it took me not too much time and it works for me. If anyone can see reason, why it should on occasion fail, please leave some comments.

我将使用 barrowc 的评论 (thanx) 中的信息来查看它是只读还是读写值.

I'll play a bit with info from barrowc's comment (thanx) to see if it's read only or read-write value.

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07-25 16:04