

我有一个LAN,其中每台开发人员计算机都安装了 Maven ,当然,每个开发人员计算机都有自己的存储库,该存储库通过 settings.xml 文件(通过< localRepository> 部分,例如:

I have a LAN, where each developer machine has Maven installed and of course each one has its own repository defined through the settings.xml file through the <localRepository> section, for example:

  • \ username \ maven \ repository (自定义)


It how a generic way, it without matter if the OS is either Linux, Mac, or Windows


The goal is have just one machine in the LAN to let access to its own repository for the other machines in the same LAN, it of course to let them refer the dependencies as they need or request through their projects. Therefore as follows:

* Developer Master [central repository in the LAN]
* Developer Alpha
* Developer Beta
* Developer Delta

因此,Alpha,Beta和Delta是依赖的开发人员机器-自从现在称为 DDM .这些DDM应该可以访问Master可用的依赖项,这对于不要下载或从Master到自己复制这些jar依赖项很重要-只需引用它们即可;因此,目的是在这些DDM中节省硬盘空间.而且,如果在这些DDM的某个项目中声明了通过pom.xml文件的新依赖关系,则应将其下载到主文件中,其余所有DDM也可以访问该文件.

Therefore Alpha, Beta, Delta are dependent developer machines - since now referred as DDM. These DDM should get access to the dependencies available by Master, is important to do not download or make a copy of those jars dependencies from the master to themselves - just refer them; therefore the purpose is save space about hard disk in these DDM. And if in some project from these DDM is declared a new dependency through a pom.xml file should be downloaded into the master and be accessible to all the rest DDM too.

我对此进行了研究,发现可以通过共享远程目录进行操作,但是根据答案和评论,同步并不安全.他们中的许多人建议使用 Nexus Artifactory .

I did a research about this, and I found something about to work through a shared remote directory, but according with the answers and comments, it is not safe about synchronization. Many of them suggested Nexus and Artifactory.


  • JFrog Artifactory OpenSource 7.4.3


I need manage these scenarios through step instructions (of course if is possible):


  • 如何根据 settings.xml < localRepository> 值配置 Artifactory 以重用Maven的存储库?
  • How configure Artifactory to reuse the Maven's repository according with the settings.xml's <localRepository> value?

因此这些DDM会通过 Artifactory 加入该< localRepository> 位置,而不是直接通过随时可能出现的共享远程目录进行访问有关同步的问题.

Therefore these DDM are acceding to that <localRepository> location through Artifactory and not directly through a shared remote directory where anytime can arise issues about synchronization.


  • 如何配置每个Maven的 settings.xml 文件以引用远程 Artifactory ?
  • How configure each Maven's settings.xml file to refer the remote Artifactory?

因此,其目的是避免为DDM中的每个项目配置每个 pom.xml 文件.这会很冗长.

Therefore, it with the purpose to avoid to configure each pom.xml file for each project in the DDM. It would be verbose.


I did do a research in youtube and official JFrog documentation and had not luck.

目标:在主计算机中具有与Spring,JUnit 5,Hibernate等有关的Maven存储库目录,它们应该通过 Artifactory 可用于所有DDM.

Goal: having in the Master Machine the Maven repository directory with dependencies about Spring, JUnit 5, Hibernate and others, they should be available for all the DDM through Artifactory




Each user needs their own separate local repository.


It is useful to have Artifactory to draw the artifacts from there, but in the end, the need to be copied to the developer's local repository before use.


09-12 18:21