

我一直在尝试找到有关如何嵌入音频的最新技术的权威性现代信息,并一直在Flash视频中找到大量最新信息,并且确实有很多有关音频嵌入的老文章和可疑文章(例如,参考IE 3.0).在stackoverflow或doctype上也找不到任何东西.

I've been trying to find a definitive modern source for the state of the art in how to embed audio, and been finding lots of up to date info on flash video, and lots of really old and questionable articles on audio embedding (e.g. with references to IE 3.0). Also haven't been able to find anything here on stackoverflow, or on doctype.


I'm writing in html4, so obviously though the html5 audio tag would be great, it's not a solution for me.


So how should audio be embedded for maximizing features and browser support?


The specific file that I'm working with is a midi type, though I don't expect that's overly important.



In HTML4, the best thing would probably be an <object>, since <embed> was deprecated in that version. See e.g. Generic inclusion: the object element in the HTML4 specs. Something like this would suffice:

<object data="/path/to/audio.midi" type="audio/midi">
    <p>Fall-back text for browsers that can't handle the MIDI file.</p>


09-09 21:01