





  • 输入类型=数字

  • 用户输入4,55 li> $(#my_input)。val(); 返回455
  • 我无法获得正确的值输入


  • 输入类型=数字

  • 用户输入4,55输入字段
  • $( #my_input)。val(); 返回4,55
  • 这很好,我可以用逗号替换逗号并获得正确的浮点数

  • $ b Android浏览器

    • 输入类型=数字

    • 用户输入4,55输入字段

    • 输入失去焦点时, / b>

    • 对用户造成混淆

    • $ b

      Windows Phone 8
      $ b

      • 输入类型=数字

      • 用户输入4,55 / li>
      • $(#my_input)。val(); 返回4,55
      • 这很好,我可以用逗号替换逗号并得到正确的浮动





      另外, (经过测试的4.2仿真器),当我输入4,55到输入字段并将焦点改变到其他地方,输入的数字被截断为4。 解决方案我认为上面的答案缺少的是需要为 step 属性指定一个不同的值,该属性的默认值为 1 。如果你想输入的验证算法允许浮点值,相应地指定一个步骤。


       < input type =numbername =price
      pattern =[0-9] + ([\。,] [0-9] +)? step =0.01
      title =这应该是一个最多2位小数的数字。>

      使用jQuery检索值没有任何问题,但是您会发现使用DOM API直接获取元素的 validity.valid 属性。

      我有一个与小数点类似的问题,但我意识到有一个问题的原因是因为Twitter Bootstrap添加到一个数字输入与一个无效值的样式。


      TL; DR: 步骤属性设置为浮点值,因为它默认为 1

      $ b 注意 t验证我,但我怀疑,如果我设置我的操作系统语言/地区设置到某个地方使用逗号作为小数点分隔符,它会工作。 * note备注*:在Ubuntu / Gnome 14.04中,操作系统语言/键盘设置不是这样的情况。*德语*

      Im building web app which is mainly for mobile browsers. Im using input fields with number type, so (most) mobile browsers invokes only number keyboard for better user experience. This web app is mainly used in regions where decimal separator is comma, not dot, so I need to handle both decimal separators.

      How to cover this whole mess with dot and comma?

      My findings:

      Desktop Chrome

      • Input type=number
      • User enters "4,55" to input field
      • $("#my_input").val(); returns "455"
      • I can not get the correct value from input

      Desktop Firefox

      • Input type=number
      • User enters "4,55" to input field
      • $("#my_input").val(); returns "4,55"
      • Thats fine, I can replace comma with dot and get correct float

      Android browser

      • Input type=number
      • User enters "4,55" to input field
      • When input loses focus, value is truncated to "4"
      • Confusing to user

      Windows Phone 8

      • Input type=number
      • User enters "4,55" to input field
      • $("#my_input").val(); returns "4,55"
      • Thats fine, I can replace comma with dot and get correct float

      What are the "best practices" in this kind of situations when user might use comma or dot as decimal separator and I want to keep html input type as number, to provide better user experience?

      Can I convert comma to dot "on the fly", binding key events, is it working with number inputs?


      Currenlty I do not have any solution, how to get float value (as string or number) from input which type is set to number. If enduser enters "4,55", Chrome returns always "455", Firefox returns "4,55" which is fine.

      Also it is quite annoying that in Android (tested 4.2 emulator), when I enter "4,55" to input field and change focus to somewhere else, the entered number get truncated to "4".


      I think what's missing in the answers above is the need to specify a different value for the step attribute, which has a default value of 1. If you want the input's validation algorithm to allow floating-point values, specify a step accordingly.

      For example, I wanted dollar amounts, so I specified a step like this:

       <input type="number" name="price"
                 pattern="[0-9]+([\.,][0-9]+)?" step="0.01"
                  title="This should be a number with up to 2 decimal places.">

      There's nothing wrong with using jQuery to retrieve the value, but you will find it useful to use the DOM API directly to get the elements's validity.valid property.

      I had a similar issue with the decimal point, but the reason I realized there was an issue was because of the styling that Twitter Bootstrap adds to a number input with an invalid value.

      Here's a fiddle demonstrating that the adding of the step attribute makes it work, and also testing whether the current value is valid:

      TL;DR: Set the a step attribute to a floating-point value, because it defaults to 1.

      NOTE: The comma doesn't validate for me, but I suspect that if I set my OS language/region settings to somewhere that uses a comma as the decimal separator, it would work. *note in note*: that was not the case for OS language/keyboard settings *German* in Ubuntu/Gnome 14.04.


07-25 15:47