


What I want to do is catch a 302 error which means a user is not logged in, and then redirecting that user to the login page of the website. Here's my backbone.js sync override right now:

parentSynchMethod = Backbone.sync
Backbone.sync = (method, model, success, error) ->
    parentSynchMethod.apply(Backbone, arguments)
  catch error


The 302 error is definitely happening, I can see it in the network view when I inspect the page using google chrome. However, when I set a breakpoint, it never goes inside the catch, and the error argument is undefined. Is this because 302 is not a real error(it's yellow when I view the status of the response, instead of a usual red for errors, or am I messing up the code somewhere.


默认 Backbone.sync 不会引发当AJAX请求返回一个错误条件异常(是的,302是错误的),它离开的错误处理 $。阿贾克斯。默认同步

The default Backbone.sync doesn't raise an exception when the AJAX request returns an error condition (and yes, 302 is an error), it leaves the error handling to $.ajax. The default sync looks like this:

Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
  // A bunch of bureaucratic setup and what not...

  // Make the request, allowing the user to override any Ajax options.
  return Backbone.ajax(_.extend(params, options));

Backbone.ajax 就是 $阿贾克斯;注意,上面是骨干当前主分支,目前发布的版本使用 $。阿贾克斯直接

and Backbone.ajax is just $.ajax; note that the above is the current master branch of Backbone, the currently released version uses $.ajax directly.

您想要做的是替换 Backbone.sync 的东西,总是迫使错误处理程序是这样的:

What you want to do is replace Backbone.sync with something that always forces an error handler like this:

error: (xhr, text_status, error_thrown) ->
    if(xhr.status == 302)
        # call the supplied error handler if any


Something like this should do the trick:

parentSynchMethod = Backbone.sync
Backbone.sync = (method, model, options) ->
    old_error = options.error
    options.error = (xhr, text_status, error_thrown) ->
        if(xhr.status == 302)
            old_error?(xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
    parentSyncMethod(method, model, options)

如果您正在使用的骨干主分支(或之后 Backbone.ajax 阅读这是在发布的版本),那么你可以替换 Backbone.ajax 的东西,迫使错误处理程序如上离开 Backbone.sync 孤单。

If you're using the master branch of Backbone (or reading this after Backbone.ajax is in the released version), then you could replace Backbone.ajax with something that forces an error handler as above and leave Backbone.sync alone.


07-25 15:03