本文介绍了当页面存在时,facebook 共享链接返回 404 重定向错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 facebook 中共享以下链接会返回 404 错误页面信息,而不是页面详细信息和链接,即使该页面存在:

Sharing the following link in facebook is returning 404 error page information instead of the page details and link even though the page exists:



  • 我尝试对链接进行编码以允许传递 & 和 ?正确(不起作用)
  • 我创建了一个从 http://www.kentbusinessangel.co.uk/lucky-achieve-goals-be-excited/src-fb 到原始 url 的重定向(当您在浏览器中使用该 url 时,它会起作用,但是在 facebook 上分享时仍然只显示 404 错误)
  • 我在 http://www.kentbusinessangel.co.uk/lucky-achieve-goal/fb/be-excited 创建了一个静态页面(这个页面同样可以在浏览器中使用,但 facebook 也显示了这个页面的 404 错误!)
  • 我等了一天,希望 facebook 可能需要时间再次抓取页面(他同样的问题仍在继续)
  • 我向新的静态页面添加了元标记,并使规范与此页面的 url 匹配,以防万一它会有所帮助(但它仍然在 facebook 上显示 404 重定向错误共享):
<meta property="og:title" content="13 Lucky Steps to Achieve Your Goals - Be Excited">
<meta property="og:description" content="Get 13 lucky steps to achieve your goals! - Be Excited">
<meta property="og:image" content="../../images/numbers/circles/one.png">
<link rel="canonical" href="http://www.kentbusinessangel.co.uk/lucky-achieve-goal/fb/be-excited">

有没有人知道为什么 facebook 共享信息是从我的 404 错误页面而不是共享 url 中获取的,我该如何解决?

Does anyone have a clue why the facebook share information is being taken from my 404 error page instead of the url being shared and how I can fix it?

发布此问题后,原始链接 http://www.kentbusinessangel.co.uk/lucky-achieve-goals?sq=be-excited&src=fb 用于 facebook 共享!--- 但是,所有通过同一动态页面设置的其他页面仍然无法正常工作,我在上述步骤中创建的其他链接也无法正常工作

After posting this question the original link http://www.kentbusinessangel.co.uk/lucky-achieve-goals?sq=be-excited&src=fb worked on the facebook share! --- However, the other pages that are all set up through the same dynamic page are still not working and neither are the other work around links that I created in the steps above


Edit2:如果在这里发布第二个链接也能神奇地通过 facebook 分享工作,那就太好了 - 但没有快乐 - *困惑*

Would have been nice if posting the second link on here would have magically made that work through the facebook share too - but no joy - *confused*


Any help on this would be appreciated

编辑 3:好的,原来的链接又回到了不在共享区域和其他链接上工作 - 所以回到第一个 -

Edit 3: Ok, the original link is back to not working on the share area as well as the other links - so back to square one -

将它们放入删除器:developers.facebook.com/tools/debug 重新抓取了页面并检索了正确的信息!完成这些页面的新共享链接后,它也起作用了!(很简单 :s )

Fix!! Seems that facebook scraped the pages when there was a redirect error and since then hadn't rescraped them.
Putting them into the delinter: developers.facebook.com/tools/debug rescraped the page and retrieved the correct information! After doing this new share links for these pages worked too! (so simple :s )


看起来 facebook 在出现重定向错误时设法抓取了页面并且从那时起就没有采取新的面貌.当我将页面添加到 developers.facebook.com/tools/debug 的 delinter 时,它会查看页面很好,通过重新抓取它 - 之后共享的链接也可以工作!

It looks like facebook managed to scrape the pages when there was a redirect error and hadn't taken a new look since then. When I add the pages to the delinter at developers.facebook.com/tools/debug it views the page fine, by rescraping it -- after which the links being shared work as well!

这篇关于当页面存在时,facebook 共享链接返回 404 重定向错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 14:56