1)访问只读 com.android.settings
上下文设置= getApplicationContext()createPackageContext(com.android.settings,Context.CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY)。
共享preferences prefSettings = settings.getShared preferences(com.android.settings_ preferences,MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
地图<字符串,> allSettings = prefSettings.getAll();
//像字符串值做财产以后= allSettings.get(S)的ToString());
有一个在logcat中警告:尝试读取preferences文件/data/data/com.android.settings/shared_$p$pfs/com.android.settings_$p$pferences.xml擅自 。通过 GETALL()
2) ITelephony.isSimPinEnabled()
总是返回false,即使在SIM PIN启用并设定。所以会出现更改设置有绝对无关,与此接口。我想查询的接口,但是这是没有不太妙。
3)创建一个 ContentObserver
观察 Settings.Secure
是不是在这里工作。其实,读 settings.db
INT lockPattern = android.provider.Settings.Secure.getInt(getContentResolver(),android.provider.Settings.Secure.LOCK_PATTERN_ENABLED);
//检查锁定模式:0 =禁用,1 =启用
}赶上(SettingNotFoundException E){
e.printStackTrace(); //上来看,我们达到这条线。
我可以肯定的唯一的事情就是修改 SIM卡PIN启用
设置重写com.android.settings preferences.xml文件,如下所示:
< XML版本=1.0编码=UTF-8独立='是'&GT?;
<字符串名称=sim_pin>< /串>
< /图>
受变化的标记是 sim_toggle
对象proxyPhone = PhoneUtil.getProxyPhoneInstance(本);
方法getIccCardMethod = phone.getDeclaredMethod(getIccCard);
对象iccCard = getIccCardMethod.invoke(proxyPhone);
类<> iccCardClass =的Class.forName(com.android.internal.telephony.IccCard);
方法getIccLockEnabled = iccCardClass.getDeclaredMethod(getIccLockEnabled);
布尔isIccLockEnabled =(布尔)getIccLockEnabled.invoke(iccCard);
对我的作品在Android 2.3(+?),但中提到的其他线程,你必须运行此code为手机用户/作为电话的过程。
真的有点失望,没有公共API / deviceAdmin-API为这一点。可以想像,公司的需要,以确保他们聘用过的员工保持SIM PIN启用(盗窃的情况下)。
A question aimed at Android 4.0.x preferably.
I want to detect immediately, or after a few seconds, any change made to Lock SIM card
in Settings > Security > Set up SIM card lock
I tried 3 methods:
1) access read-only com.android.settings
shared preferences.
Context settings = getApplicationContext().createPackageContext("com.android.settings", Context.CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY);
SharedPreferences prefSettings = settings.getSharedPreferences("com.android.settings_preferences", MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
Map<String, ?> allSettings = prefSettings.getAll();
for(String s : allSettings.keySet()){
//do somthing like String value=allSettings.get(s).toString());
There is a warning in logcat: "Attempt to read preferences file /data/data/com.android.settings/shared_prefs/com.android.settings_preferences.xml without permission". The map returned by getAll()
is empty.
2) ITelephony.isSimPinEnabled()
always returns false, even when the SIM PIN is enabled and set. So it appears changing the setting has absolutely nothing to do with this interface. I was thinking of polling the interface but this is no good either.
3) creating a ContentObserver
observing Settings.Secure
is not working here. Actually, reading the content of settings.db
with sqlite shows there isn't any record modified when changing this setting. This was also confirmed by the following code:
try {
int lockPattern = android.provider.Settings.Secure.getInt(getContentResolver(), android.provider.Settings.Secure.LOCK_PATTERN_ENABLED);
// check lock Pattern: 0=disabled, 1=enabled
} catch (SettingNotFoundException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); // on run, we reach this line.
The only thing I am sure is that modifying the SIM PIN enabled
setting rewrites com.android.settings preferences.xml file as shown below:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<boolean name="sim_toggle" value="true" />
<string name="sim_pin"></string>
The tag affected by the change is sim_toggle
Does anyone have an idea? What am I doing wrong here?
Had to implement a way to finde out if the SimPin is Enabled today.The ITelephony.isSimPinEnabled() always returned false for me, too. Didn't try the other methods you described.
I found a way to get the current setting:
First you need to get hold of a proxyPhone Object, how this can be done can be seen here:Can a telephony.Phone object be instantiated through the sdk?
Then you can retrieve the IccCard-Object and on this execute the method getIccLockEnabled.
Object proxyPhone = PhoneUtil.getProxyPhoneInstance(this);
Class<?> phone = Class.forName("com.android.internal.telephony.Phone");
Method getIccCardMethod = phone.getDeclaredMethod("getIccCard");
Object iccCard = getIccCardMethod.invoke(proxyPhone);
Class<?> iccCardClass = Class.forName("com.android.internal.telephony.IccCard");
Method getIccLockEnabled = iccCardClass.getDeclaredMethod("getIccLockEnabled");
Boolean isIccLockEnabled = (Boolean) getIccLockEnabled.invoke(iccCard);
works for me on Android 2.3(+?), but as mentioned in the other thread you have to run this code as phone-user/as phone-process.
Really kinda disappointed that there is no public api / deviceAdmin-Api for this. Could imagine that companys want to ensure that their employes keep the sim pin enabled (case of theft).