


I have a website where a user has 5 maximum login attempts to login into the website. If the user has crossed the particular number of attempts then the user will be locked. Now the default time to unlock the user is 24 hours . The task is that I need reduce the time to unlock the user to 20 minutes. Can anyone help me to do this task. The below is the code to lock the user if the user the crossed the maximum number of attempts.

private int _maxLoginAttempts = 5;
 protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        bool loginOK = false;
        bool approved = false;
        bool maxAttempsReached = false;

        UserDetailService usersService = new UserDetailService();
        ContactService contactsService = new ContactService();
        UserDetail currentUser = null;

        //Get user by Email
        Contact currentContact = contactsService.GetByEmailAddress(uxUserName.Text);

        if (ApplicationCacheControl.UserLoginAttempts().ContainsKey(uxUserName.Text))
            ApplicationCacheControl.UserLoginAttempts()[uxUserName.Text] += 1;

            if (ApplicationCacheControl.UserLoginAttempts()[uxUserName.Text] >= _maxLoginAttempts)
                maxAttempsReached = true;

                    //Audit lockout
                    //AuditLogManager.RecordUserAction(ActivityAuditLog.ApplicationActivityTypeEnum.PublicUserLockedOut, -1, null,
                    //    "User", "Max. number of logins attempted for " + uxUserID.Text, true);
                catch { }
            ApplicationCacheControl.UserLoginAttempts().Add(uxUserName.Text, 1);
        if (maxAttempsReached)
            phMaxLogins.Visible = true;
            phLoginControls.Visible = false;

            if (OnLoginFailed != null)
                EventArgs newArgs = new EventArgs();
                OnLoginFailed(this, newArgs);
        else if (currentContact != null)
            if (currentContact.UserDetails != null)
                currentUser = currentContact.UserDetails.FirstOrDefault();

                if (currentUser != null)
                    CDS.Framework.Library cdsLibrary = new CDS.Framework.Library(Common.ApplicationName);

                    if (currentUser.Password == cdsLibrary.EncryptString(uxPassword.Text, true))
                        loginOK = true;

                        if (ApplicationCacheControl.UserLoginAttempts().ContainsKey(uxUserName.Text))
                            ApplicationCacheControl.UserLoginAttempts()[uxUserName.Text] = 0;
                        if (currentUser.UserStatusTypeID == 2)
                            approved = true;

                            currentUser.LastLoggedIn = DateTime.Now;


if (OnLoginFailed != null)
        EventArgs newArgs = new EventArgs();
        OnLoginFailed(this, newArgs);


Somewhere else in your code might be the declaration of the event, it might look like this:

public event EventHandler OnLoginFailed;



Somewhere else (maybe elsewhere in the project/solution), there will probably be a method to handle this event (subscribe to it), and a wire-up to subscribe the method to the event... Maybe something like this:
handling method:

private void LockUser(object sender, EventArgs e)
         // This code runs to lock the user for a period of time...

subscription / wireup


someObject.OnLoginFailed += new EventHandler(LockUser);

您发布的代码不会锁定用户 - 它会引发一个事件来告诉别人锁定用户。您的任务是找到订阅方法(如果它在您的代码库中!)并在那里进行适当的修改。祝你好运!



07-25 14:21