




I will like to know how to take a screenshot of the iOS host app with the use of a share/action extension.


  1. 使用Safari浏览器访问网页(https如gmail)

  2. 在共享按钮并选择扩展名

  3. 该扩展名将获取当前网页的屏幕截图


An working example for this use case is the Awesome Screenshot iOS app.


  1. 在UIWebView / WKWebkit上重新加载baseURI(loadRequest)(将无法访问https内容,例如Gmail)。因此,不进行任何重新加载(Awesome屏幕截图未进行重新加载)

  2. 使用ExtensionPreprocessingJS通过arguments.completionFunction函数获取DOM内容。我无法提取document.body,尽管可以获取源代码等。具有baseURI的loadHTMLString会弄乱表示层。

  3. 在ExtensionPreprocessingJS中使用html2canvas获取图像并附加还是一个孩子,但仍不知道如何将其提取到主机应用程序的网页上。此外,对于某些网页(例如Gmail),图片也丢失了。

  4. Mobile Safari不具有visibleContentsAsDataURL方法。

  1. reload the baseURI (loadRequest) on a UIWebView/WKWebkit (would not be able to access https contents such as Gmail). So not doing any reload (Awesome Screenshot is not doing a reload btw)
  2. Used the ExtensionPreprocessingJS to obtain the DOM contents through the arguments.completionFunction function. I could not extract the document.body here although i could get the source etc. loadHTMLString with the baseURI will mess up the presentation layer.
  3. Used html2canvas in the ExtensionPreprocessingJS to obtain an image and appended it to the host app's webpage as a child but do not know how to extract it. Also, the image got lost for some webpages such as Gmail.
  4. Mobile Safari does not have the visibleContentsAsDataURL method.


I think a viable approach will be to use the html2canvas in the ExtensionPreprocessingJS but how do I save this image somehow?


编辑:因此,以下内容在模拟器中有效,而 在设备上无效。我目前也在寻找解决方案。

So the below works in the Simulator but does not work on the device. I'm presently looking for a solution as well.

这里是我认为Awesome Screenshot应用使用的解决方案:

Here's a solution that I think the Awesome Screenshot app uses:

func captureScreen() -> UIImage
    // Get the "screenshot" view.
    let view = UIScreen.mainScreen().snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates(false)

    // Add the screenshot view as a subview of the ShareViewController's view.

    // Now screenshot *this* view.
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.view.bounds.size, false, 0);
    self.view.drawViewHierarchyInRect(view.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
    let image: UIImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

    // Finally, remove the subview.

    return image


07-25 14:15