

本文介绍了将动态元素添加到.NET MVC中已存在的模型中的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在建立一个仪表板(在.NET MVC项目中),该仪表板基本上是通过api接收数据并在(某种程度上)精美的视图中显示数据的.

I'm building a dashboard (in a .NET MVC project) that basically receives data through an api and displays it in a (somewhat) fancy view.

我收到的数据以json格式格式化,我知道"root"的格式(不确定json时这是否是正确的术语,请随时纠正我). >

The data I receive is formatted in json and I know the format of the "root" (not sure if this is the correct term when talking about json, feel free to correct me) which is something along those lines :

response :
  fields :
      name : name1,
      name : name2,
  results :
      name1 : value1,
      name2 : value2
      name1 : value3,
      name2 : value4


As you can see, the array 'results' varies from one response to the next, with the names 'name1' and 'name2' being user-generated (i.e. unpredictable). Now I can deserialize the json to extract the 'fields' array and its values using this model :

namespace WebApplication1.Models
    public class Field
        public string name { get; set; }

    public class Result
    public class JsonResponse
        public List<Field> fields { get; set; }
        public List<Result> results { get; set; }



when I pass this to the view, the 'results' array is filled with empty 'Objects' (which feels normal as they are not described in the model)

results: Array(5)
0: {}
1: {}
2: {}
3: {}
4: {}



I want to be able to add the correct description of 'results' to the model (that I can get from the 'fields' array) before passing it to the view, so that all the data is available in the view.


  1. 将Json作为字符串发送到视图并使用JavaScript进行解析,但这不起作用,因为我们使用依赖模型的引擎来显示数据

  1. sending the Json as a string to the view and parse it with JavaScript but that doesn't work since we use a model-dependant engine to display our data


using a dynamicObj to decode the json, but I couldn't pass it to the view (as it is not a model)


crying, but it (surprinsingly) didn't work either.


probably some other thing I'm forgetting at this time.


I have been scouring the web for days for a solution, and I'm getting desperate, any ideas are welcome.




So, to anyone looking for this in the future, I ended up using a workaround as I didn't find a solution to this problem.


Instead of having a dynamic model, I rewrote the 'Result' class as follow :

    public class Result
        public List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> values { get; set; }


that I can fill as I receive the data from the API.


It makes for slightly more annoying data handling in the view, but it's really not that bad.


P.s. I'm not marking this as answer as it is just a nice workaround

这篇关于将动态元素添加到.NET MVC中已存在的模型中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 14:03