本文介绍了如何在Swift 3中创建线程安全变量?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



class DeviceController:NSObject, CocoaMQTTDelegate {
     static let sharedInstance = DeviceController()
     var deviceOnArray:[String] = []
     var deviceOffArray:[String] = []
     private override init() {

        clientID = "xyz-" + String(ProcessInfo().processIdentifier)
        mqtt = CocoaMQTT(clientID: clientID, host: "device_controller.xyz.net", port: 1883)
        mqtt.username = "username"
        mqtt.password = "password"
        mqtt.willMessage = CocoaMQTTWill(topic: "/will", message: "dieout")
        mqtt.keepAlive = 30
        mqtt.cleanSession = true
        DeviceController.isConnecting = true
        mqtt.delegate = self
   func sendArm(topic:String){
      // add device to deviceOnArray
   func sendDisarm(topic:String){
      // remove device from deviceOnArray if exist here if I check by code that device is in array it returns false but on console if print it contains the device, It only heppens when I call sendArm and sendDisarm with a second.
     let lockQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.test.LockQueue")
        lockQueue.sync() {
           // all code now inside this
     // I also used above code but it's not working



If you read the code then you'll know that I am facing problem in reading correct value from deviceOnArray/deviceOffArray, I am not sure how to explain this problem but I think what I need here is Obj-C atomic thread safe variable. Any idea how create one ?



You can use a serial dispatch queue to ensure that the array is only updated in a thread safe manner.


It is also best to change your deviceOnArray property to private to ensure that it cannot be accessed by some other object. If you need to expose this array to other objects, do so via a computed property. e.g.

class DeviceController:NSObject, CocoaMQTTDelegate {
     static let sharedInstance = DeviceController()
     private var deviceOnArray:[String] = []
     var deviceOn: [String] {
         return self.deviceOnArray

     var deviceOffArray:[String] = []
     private let dispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label:"DeviceControllerQueue")

     private override init() {

        clientID = "xyz-" + String(ProcessInfo().processIdentifier)
        mqtt = CocoaMQTT(clientID: clientID, host: "device_controller.xyz.net", port: 1883)
        mqtt.username = "username"
        mqtt.password = "password"
        mqtt.willMessage = CocoaMQTTWill(topic: "/will", message: "dieout")
        mqtt.keepAlive = 30
        mqtt.cleanSession = true
        DeviceController.isConnecting = true
        mqtt.delegate = self
   func sendArm(topic:String){
      // add device to deviceOnArray
       self.dispatchQueue.sync {

   func sendDisarm(topic:String){
      // remove device from deviceOnArray if exist here.
       self.dispatchQueue.sync {
           if let index = self.deviceOnArray.index(of: topic) {
               self.deviceOnArray.remove(at: index)

这篇关于如何在Swift 3中创建线程安全变量?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 19:39