您对此事的快速回复将受到高度赞赏, 您也可以通过电子邮件发送邮件ID已删除 谢谢&此致, Hiren(内罗毕 - 肯尼亚)Hello All Experts,I am a Moderate VB Programmer. I am developing one Application at the moment with VB 6.0 and MS Access. Operating System is Win XP. Its a Multi User application.What I want to know is How do I Disable 2 or 3 Items from Combo Box?I am using Combo Box with Style 2. and all Fields come from Access Table while loading the form. (e.g. If My List is A0, A1, A2, A3, A4...) and at run time if i want to Disable A1 and A3 from Selecting... Is it possible to do so?Your quick response on this matter will be highly appreciated,You can email me as well on mail id removedThanks & Regards,Hiren (Nairobi - Kenya)推荐答案问题从VB文章部分转移到Visual Basic论坛。Question moved to Visual Basic Forum from VB Articles Section.你需要使用控件的ITEMDATA属性。You need to use ITEMDATA property of the control. 嗨Debasis , 你能告诉我我应该使用哪种ITEMDATA Propery吗?如果你能详细说明,请详细说明。 谢谢, Hiren 这篇关于从组合框中禁用一些列表项!!!的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-25 13:36