




I have written a Json.NET converter which outputs all the set flags as an array.

enum SampleEnum
    None = 0,
    ValueA = 2,
    ValueB = 4

SampleEnum flags = SampleEnum.ValueA | SampleEnum.ValueB;
// JSON: ["ValueA", "ValueB"]


Now in case flags is SampleEnum.None, the property should not be serialized. Therefore I just don't write anything to the JsonWriter. Here is the code of the WriteJson method of the converter.

public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
    if (value is SampleEnum enumValue)
        IEnumerable<SampleEnum> setFlags = GetSetFlags<SampleEnum>(enumValue);

        IEnumerable<string> flagNames = setFlags
            .Where(flag => flag != SampleEnum.None) // Filter out 'None'
            .Select(flag => flag.ToString());

        if (flagNames.Any())
            JArray jArray = JArray.FromObject(flagNames, serializer);
        // Else omit this property


However, if I have a property of type SampleEnum in my class and its value is SampleEnum.None, the property is serialized and the JSON value is null.

class SerializedClass
    public SampleEnum EnumValue { get; set; }

SerializedClass obj = new SerializedClass
    EnumValue = SampleEnum.None
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, new JsonSerializerSettings
    NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore


  "EnumValue": null





P.S.: I've read about Conditional Property Serialization, but the ShouldSerialize methods are not suitable in my case and I haven't figured out yet how to use IContractResolver for my case.


A 自定义JsonConverter 不能阻止其值被序列化,因为引用该属性的属性名称在调用转换器时已经被写出.在Json.NET的体系结构中,包含类型的责任是确定要序列化其属性的哪一个.然后,值转换器决定如何对要写入的值进行序列化.

A custom JsonConverter cannot prevent its value from being serialized, because the property name referring to it will already have been written out by the time the converter is invoked. In Json.NET's architecture it is the responsibility of the containing type to decide which of its properties to serialize; the value converter then decides how to serialize the value being written.

作为替代,设置 DefaultValueHandling.Ignore 可以是用于跳过enum成员的序列化,即使应用了转换器也是如此.由于SampleEnum.None的值为0,因此它是标志枚举的默认值.启用此设置(无论是否应用转换器)时,具有此值的成员将被跳过.

As an alternative, the setting DefaultValueHandling.Ignore can be used to skip serialization of enum members even when a converter is applied. Since SampleEnum.None has the value 0, it is the default value for your flags enumeration. Members with this value will this be skipped when the setting is enabled whether or not a converter is applied.

您可以通过 JsonPropertyAttribute.DefaultValueHandling 来启用它. a>:

You can enable DefaultValueHandling by applying it via JsonPropertyAttribute.DefaultValueHandling:

public class SerializedClass
    [JsonProperty(DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore)]
    public SampleEnum SampleEnum { get; set; }


偶然地,您应该考虑使用 [Flags] 属性:

Incidentally, you should consider marking your SampleEnum with the [Flags] attribute:

public enum SampleEnum
    None = 0,
    ValueA = 2,
    ValueB = 4


√请应用 System.FlagsAttribute 标记枚举.不要将此属性应用于简单的枚举.

√ DO apply the System.FlagsAttribute to flag enums. Do not apply this attribute to simple enums.


07-25 13:07