本文介绍了嵌入C ++库到.NET库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我的.NET程序集,我将不得不使用一些本地(C ++)的dll。通常我们需要将C ++的dll复制到bin文件夹,并使用的PInvoke 来调用它。为了节省配送成本,我想C ++的嵌入到我的NET的DLL直接,使分布式组件的数量会少些。

In my .Net assemblies I would have to make use of some native (C++ ) dlls. Usually we need to copy the C++ dlls into the bin folder and use PInvoke to call it. To save the distribution cost, I want to embed the C++ into my .Net dll direct, so that the number of assemblies distributed would be less.


Any idea how to do this?



You would embed your native DLLs as resources.

然后在运行时,你将不得不提取那些本机DLL到临时文件夹;你不一定要在应用程序文件夹的写权限,当你的应用程序启动:认为Windows Vista或Windows 7和UAC。因此,你可以使用这种代码从一个特定的路径加载它们:

Then at runtime, you would have to extract those native DLLs into a temporary folder; you don't necessarily have write access to the application folder when your application launches: think windows vista or windows 7 and UAC. As a consequence, you would use this kind of code to load them from a specific path:

public static class NativeMethods {

  private unsafe static extern void* LoadLibrary(string dllname);

  private unsafe static extern void FreeLibrary(void* handle);

  private sealed unsafe class LibraryUnloader
    internal LibraryUnloader(void* handle)
      this.handle = handle;

      if (handle != null)

    private void* handle;

  } // LibraryUnloader

  private static readonly LibraryUnloader unloader;

  static NativeMethods()
    string path;

    // set the path according to some logic
    path = "somewhere/in/a/temporary/directory/Foo.dll";

      void* handle = LoadLibrary(path);

      if (handle == null)
        throw new DllNotFoundException("unable to find the native Foo library: " + path);

      unloader = new LibraryUnloader(handle);

这篇关于嵌入C ++库到.NET库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 12:30