本文介绍了DynamoDB 中的分页的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要在最大计数为 10 的 jsp 上显示搜索结果,并且它应该有一个分页来作为分页功能来回遍历.

I have a requirement for to show the search result on the jsp with maxcount of 10 and it should have a pagination to traverse back and forward as pagination functionality.

Dynamodb 有一个 lastevaluatedKey,但返回上一页无济于事,尽管我可以通过 lastevaluatedKey 转到下一个结果集.

Dynamodb has a lastevaluatedkey, but it doesn't help to go back to the previous page, though I can move to the next result set by the lastevaluatedKey.


我使用 Java SPRING 和 DynamoDB 作为堆栈.

I am using Java SPRING and DynamoDB as the stack.




To enable forward/backward, all you need is to keep

第一个键,即之前返回页面的第一条记录的hash key + sort key(如果要查询第一页则为null).

the first key, which is hash key + sort key of the first record of the previously returned page (null if you are about to query the first page).

最后一个key检索到的页面,也就是之前返回页面最后一条记录的hash key + sort key

the last key of the retrieved page, which is hash key + sort key of the last record of the previously returned page


Then to navigate forward or backward, you need to pass in below parameters in the query request:


Backward:第一个key为ExclusiveStartKey,order = descend

我在 2016 年的一个项目中实现了这一点.DynamoDB 现在可能会提供一些类似的方便 API,但我不确定,因为我很长时间没有检查过 DynamoDB.

I have achieved this in a project in 2016. DynamoDB might provide some similar convenient APIs now, but I'm not sure as I haven't checked DynamoDB for a long time.

这篇关于DynamoDB 中的分页的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 03:14