

我有一个 parent div,其中包含一个绝对定位的 child div.

I have a parent div that contains an absolute positioned child div.

child div位于 parent div的初始边界之外.它正常呈现,没有任何问题.

The child div is positioned outside the initial boundaries of parent div. It was rendering normally without any problems.

我在 parent div中添加了 overflow-y:scroll; ,现在,尽管添加了溢出-x:可见; .

I added an overflow-y: scroll; to the parent div, and now the child element is hidden despite adding overflow-x: visible;.


     position: relative;
     overflow-y: scroll;
     overflow-x: visible;
     position: absolute;
     left: -50px;




Well found this on stackoverflow, but you aren't going to be happy.



To put it short the answer says this


His answer goes more in depth talking about the W3 spec which explains this occurrence.

您的 overflow-x 几乎不可见,因为它将变为 auto .(如果您的 overflow-y 与它有什么不同,则该样式的哪一部分将隐藏其中的内容.)

Pretty much your overflow-x can't be visible because it will turn to auto. (which part of that style hides the content that goes out of it.) if your overflow-y is anything different from it.


You could try this however as a workaround for that spec.


/*Necessary styles for example*/
  display: inline-block;
  position: relative;
#absolute-child {
    position: absolute;
    left: -50px;
    overflow-y: scroll;

/*Below here is styles only for display purposes*/
body {
  justify-content: center;

#absolute-child {
    background-color: red;
    color: white;

    border: solid 1px black;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    overflow-y: scroll;

#child {
    border: solid 1px black;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
<div id=parent>
    <div id=absolute-child>
        This is the child
    <div id=child>
        This is the child



Give me a second to explain what I did.


因此,首先我基本上必须将您的父div移到现在所在的父div的子div中.这有点奇怪,但这是我唯一能想到的.现在的父div具有"缩小以适合";通过 display:inline-block 应用于它的样式,它将其围绕其子div.

So first of all I basically had to move your parent div to be a child div of the parent div that is now there. This is a little strange, but it's the only thing I could think of. The now parent div has the "shrink to fit" style applied to it through display: inline-block this wraps it around it's child divs.

由于位置 absolute 从文档流中推出,这意味着您的 absolute 位置子级不会影响其新的缩小以适合"的宽度或高度.父母收缩以适合"是指收缩以适合".父级还具有显示 relative 的内容,这使您根据其定位 absolute 的绝对位置div.另外,由于父级现在显示为 inline-block 以便居中,因此必须在其包含元素上使用文本对齐的 center .这意味着您还需要在#parent或#child元素上将文本左对齐 left .

Since position absolute gets pushed out of the document flow this means your absolute position child does not affect the width or height of it's new "shrink to fit" parent. The "shrink to fit" parent also has display relative this let's your absolute position div be positioned according to it. Also since the parent is now display inline-block in order to center it you must use text-align center on it's containing element. which means you also need to put text align left on your #parent or #child elements.


Hope this helped. :)


P.S. I edited the fiddle it had an unnecessary position relative on the #child element. I also added the text-align left to the new parent


07-31 08:44