本文介绍了Caffe Train/Test的净输出是什么意思?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



When training in Caffe, there are Train and Test net outputs for each iteration. I know this is the loss. However, is this the average loss over my batch or the total loss? And is this the same for both Classification and Regression?


For example, if I were to have a batch of 100 training examples and my loss over that iteration is 100, does that mean that the average loss per example is 1?



Train loss is the averaged loss over the last training batch. That means that if you have 100 training examples in your mini-batch and your loss over that iteration is 100, then you have the average loss per example equals to 100.

测试损失也是所有测试批次中的平均损失.您指定测试批次大小和测试迭代次数. Caffe将采用#iter这样的迷你批次,评估它们的损失并为您提供平均值.如果为#test_iter x batch_size == testset_size,您将获得整个测试集的平均值.

Test loss is also an averaged loss but over all the test batches. You specify the test batch size and the number of testing iterations. Caffe will take #iter of such mini-batches, evaluate loss for them and provide you an averaged value. If #test_iter x batch_size == testset_size, you will have an averaged value across the full test set.

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07-25 12:10