我有SQL数据库并创建了两个表.我如何在一个编码的UI测试中使用这两个表.当[DataSource("System.Data.SqlClient"),"Data Source = SQLExpress; Initial Catalog = TestData; Integrated Security = True","UsersData", DataAccessMethod.Sequential),TestMethod].
I have database in SQL and created two tables. How can i use these two tables in one coded UI test. When [DataSource("System.Data.SqlClient", "Data Source=SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=TestData;Integrated Security=True", "UsersData", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), TestMethod].
When i used above connection string for one table, it work fine but if insert second table name 'contactData'. It does not work.
[DataSource("System.Data.SqlClient",数据源= SQLExpress;初始目录= TestData;集成安全性= True","UsersData,ContactData",DataAccessMethod.Sequential),TestMethod).
[DataSource("System.Data.SqlClient", "Data Source=SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=TestData;Integrated Security=True", "UsersData, ContactData", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), TestMethod].
How i can add two tables name in one coded UI test?
Also, in case you're interested, I have some blog posts on the subject of DataAccess.
First, let me say that DataAccess should never be included directly in the UI. See my blog post about Multi-tier applications:
http://geek-goddess-bonnie. blogspot.com/2010/10/multi-tier-applications.html
In the above blog post, I also have links to my 3-part DataAccess series, which I'll go ahead and include here also:
First, check out my 3-part series on Data Access for some basic ideas:
http://geek-goddess-bonnie. blogspot.com/2009/09/dataaccess-part-i.html
http://geek-goddess-bonnie.blogspot.com /2009/10/dataaccess-part-ii.html
http://geek-goddess-bonnie.blogspot.com /2009/10/dataaccess-part-iii.html
每篇文章都为Data Access类增加了额外的复杂性,但具有更大的灵活性.第一篇文章足以使您朝正确的方向前进,并为您提供了有关该概念的一般概念,但是第二篇文章则更有用.第三篇文章比较完整 示例类,但它涉及使用匿名委托,对于初学者来说可能太多了(老实说,我不再使用匿名委托,但几年前我曾在以前的项目中使用过).但是,即使您不想使用 匿名委托方法,更完整的示例类将向您展示如何保存数据,前两篇文章中的示例不这样做.
Each post adds extra complexity to the Data Access classes, but more flexibility. The first post is enough to get you going in the right direction and give you a general idea of the concept, but the second post is more useful. The third post has a more complete example class, but it gets into using anonymous delegates and may be too much for a beginner (which, to be honest, I don't use the anonymous delegates anymore, but I used to on previous projects several years ago). However, even if you don't want to use the anonymous delegate approach, the more complete example class should show you how to save data, which the examples in the first two posts don't do.
Those 3 posts are old, I wrote them back in 2009. They are still relevant, but I needed to add two things: implementing IDisposable and using TransactionScope for transactions. So, I added this post to my Data Access series:
http://geek-goddess- bonnie.blogspot.com/2015/06/dataaccess-revisiting-yet-again.html
我的一些读者对这个代码有一些疑问,已经回覆我,我意识到我仍然缺少一些重要的项目,例如DataAdapter.TableMappings !!所以,我终于写了一篇关于这个的新文章:
Several of my readers have gotten back to me with some questions about this code and I realized that I'm still missing a few important items, such as DataAdapter.TableMappings!! So, I finally wrote a new post about that:
http: //geek-goddess-bonnie.blogspot.com/2016/08/more-dataaccess-and-you-thought-i-was.html
Hope this helps ...