本文介绍了查找 Caffe conv-filter 关于输入的梯度的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要为卷积神经网络 (CNN) 中的单个卷积滤波器找到输入层的梯度,以作为 可视化过滤器.
Caffe 的 Python 接口中给定一个经过训练的网络,例如 这个例子,然后我怎样才能找到一个卷积过滤器的梯度相对于输入层中的数据?

I need to find the gradient with regards to the input layer for a single convolutional filter in a convolutional neural network (CNN) as a way to visualize the filters.
Given a trained network in the Python interface of Caffe such as the one in this example, how can I then find the gradient of a conv-filter with respect to the data in the input layer?

根据 cesans 的回答,我添加了下面的代码.我的输入层的尺寸是 [8, 8, 7, 96].我的第一个卷积层,conv1,有 11 个过滤器,尺寸为 1x5,产生的尺寸为 [8, 11, 7, 92].

Based on the answer by cesans, I added the code below. The dimensions of my input layer is [8, 8, 7, 96]. My first conv-layer, conv1, has 11 filters with a size of 1x5, resulting in the dimensions [8, 11, 7, 92].

net = solver.net
diffs = net.backward(diffs=['data', 'conv1'])
print diffs.keys() # >> ['conv1', 'data']
print diffs['data'].shape # >> (8, 8, 7, 96)
print diffs['conv1'].shape # >> (8, 11, 7, 92)

从输出中可以看出,net.backward() 返回的数组的维度与我在 Caffe 中的层的维度相等.经过一些测试,我发现这个输出是分别关于 data 层和 conv1 层的损失梯度.

As you can see from the output, the dimensions of the arrays returned by net.backward() are equal to the dimensions of my layers in Caffe. After some testing I've found that this output is the gradients of the loss with regards to respectively the data layer and the conv1 layer.

然而,我的问题是如何找到单个 conv-filter 相对于输入层中的数据的梯度,这是另一回事.我怎样才能做到这一点?

However, my question was how to find the gradient of a single conv-filter with respect to the data in the input layer, which is something else. How can I achieve this?


Caffe net 处理两个数字流".

Caffe net juggles two "streams" of numbers.
The first is the data "stream": images and labels pushed through the net. As these inputs progress through the net they are converted into high-level representation and eventually into class probabilities vectors (in classification tasks).
The second "stream" holds the parameters of the different layers, the weights of the convolutions, the biases etc. These numbers/weights are changed and learned during the train phase of the net.

尽管这两个流"所起的作用完全不同,但 caffe 仍然使用相同的数据结构 blob 来存储和管理它们.
但是,对于每一层,有两个不同的 blob 向量,每个流一个.

Despite the fundamentally different role these two "streams" play, caffe nonetheless use the same data structure, blob, to store and manage them.
However, for each layer there are two different blobs vectors one for each stream.


Here's an example that I hope would clarify:

import caffe
solver = caffe.SGDSolver( PATH_TO_SOLVER_PROTOTXT )
net = solver.net



您将看到一个字典,为网络中的每一层存储一个caffe blob"对象.每个 blob 都有存储数据和梯度的空间

You will see a dictionary storing a "caffe blob" object for each layer in the net. Each blob has storing room for both data and gradient

net.blobs['data'].data.shape    # >> (32, 3, 224, 224)
net.blobs['data'].diff.shape    # >> (32, 3, 224, 224)


net.blobs['conv1/7x7_s2'].data.shape    # >> (32, 64, 112, 112)
net.blobs['conv1/7x7_s2'].diff.shape    # >> (32, 64, 112, 112)

net.blobs 保存第一个数据流,它的形状与输入图像的形状匹配,直到产生的类概率向量.

net.blobs holds the first data stream, it's shape matches that of the input images up to the resulting class probability vector.



查看第一层('data' 层):

This is a caffe vector storing the parameters of the different layers.
Looking at the first layer ('data' layer):

len(net.layers[0].blobs)    # >> 0


There are no parameters to store for an input layer.
On the other hand, for the first convolutional layer

len(net.layers[1].blobs)    # >> 2

网络为过滤器权重存储一个 blob,另一个用于恒定偏差.他们在这里

The net stores one blob for the filter weights and another for the constant bias. Here they are

net.layers[1].blobs[0].data.shape  # >> (64, 3, 7, 7)
net.layers[1].blobs[1].data.shape  # >> (64,)

如您所见,该层对 3 通道输入图像执行 7x7 卷积,并有 64 个这样的过滤器.

As you can see, this layer performs 7x7 convolutions on 3-channel input image and has 64 such filters.


Now, how to get the gradients? well, as you noted

diffs = net.backward(diffs=['data','conv1/7x7_s2'])


Returns the gradients of the data stream. We can verify this by

np.all( diffs['data'] == net.blobs['data'].diff )  # >> True
np.all( diffs['conv1/7x7_s2'] == net.blobs['conv1/7x7_s2'].diff )  # >> True

(TL;DR) 你想要参数的梯度,这些参数存储在 net.layers 中:

(TL;DR) You want the gradients of the parameters, these are stored in the net.layers with the parameters:

net.layers[1].blobs[0].diff.shape # >> (64, 3, 7, 7)
net.layers[1].blobs[1].diff.shape # >> (64,)

为了帮助您将图层名称及其索引映射到 net.layers 向量中,您可以使用 net._layer_names.

To help you map between the names of the layers and their indices into net.layers vector, you can use net._layer_names.


Update regarding the use of gradients to visualize filter responses:
A gradient is normally defined for a scalar function. The loss is a scalar, and therefore you can speak of a gradient of pixel/filter weight with respect to the scalar loss. This gradient is a single number per pixel/filter weight.
If you want to get the input that results with maximal activation of a specific internal hidden node, you need an "auxiliary" net which loss is exactly a measure of the activation to the specific hidden node you want to visualize. Once you have this auxiliary net, you can start from an arbitrary input and change this input based on the gradients of the auxilary loss to the input layer:

update = prev_in + lr * net.blobs['data'].diff

这篇关于查找 Caffe conv-filter 关于输入的梯度的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 11:58