我正在尝试使用Python解压缩* .Z文件。我通过FTP(二进制模式)下载了它。该文件使用7zip成功解压缩(文件中的信息表示其类型为 Z)。原始文件位于。
I'm trying to uncompress a *.Z file using Python. I downloaded it via FTP (binary mode). The file successfully uncompresses with 7zip (whose "info" on the file says it's of type "Z"). The original file can be found at ftp://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/gps/products/1860/igr18600.sp3.Z.
I've read up on the use of the zlib module in Python and have some test code I'm using:
import zlib
comp_data = open('C:\Temp\igr18600.sp3.Z', 'rb').read()
uncomp_data = zlib.decompress(comp_data)
with open('c:\temp\igr18600.sp3', 'wb') as f:
When I execute this I get the following output:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 7, in <module>
uncomp_data = zlib.decompress(comp_data)
zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect header check
zlib clearly doesn't like the header. The first couple of bytes appear to match the proper magic number sequence 0x1F9d for a compressed file (per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_signatures).
In a pinch I can work around this by shelling out to 7zip directly. But I was hoping to find a pure Python type of answer. Despite spending most of the day googling for an answer (or this error message) I haven't had much luck. Perhaps my search skills are atrophying?
Python在模块中没有等效的Unix uncompress,这是您需要解压缩的。 Z文件。您可能需要a)外壳到Unix compress命令,b)外壳到gzip,c)外壳到7-zip(gzip和7-zip都具有解压缩.Z文件的能力),d)修改在C中原始的解压缩代码并链接到Python(该代码可在线获得),或者e)在本机Python中编写自己的LZW解压缩器。
Python does not have the equivalent of Unix uncompress available in a module, which is what you'd need to decompress a .Z file. You would either need to a) shell out to the Unix compress command, b) shell out to gzip, c) shell out to 7-zip (both gzip and 7-zip have the ability to decompress .Z files), d) modify the original uncompress code in C and link that to Python (the code is available online), or e) write your own LZW decompressor in native Python.
对于d),您可以在mathematica.stackexchange.com 上的答案中找到我编写的一些C代码来。请参见 unlzw()
For d), you can find some C code I wrote to do this job in this answer on mathematica.stackexchange.com. See the unlzw()