


My jqgrid contains several pages. When I sort any column the page resets to first.

(对于filterToolbar也正确,即调用$(#my-grid")[0] .triggerToolbar();)

(That's right also for filterToolbar i.e. after calling $("#my-grid")[0].triggerToolbar();)


Is there any way to keep my current page after sorting/filtering ?


Actually my problem is a little more complicated.

我将jqgrid首选项(rowNum,页面,过滤器等)保存到cookie.第一次加载页面时,我会加载偏好设置.我使用了Mark B的答案中的技术(请参见 jqGrid筛选器工具栏初始默认值 )填充我的过滤器默认值.

I save jqgrid preferences(rowNum, page, filters etc..) to the cookie.When I load the page first time I load the prefs.I use the technique from Mark B's answer (see jqGrid Filter Toolbar initial default value) to populate my filter default values.


The problem: in that case page always sets to the first.(because of triggerToolbar calling) i.e. it doesn't save state.



I don't quite understand your requirement. If the user has seen some rows on the second page for example and then the user has clicked on the column header to sort the column the the grid will be sorted. The data which the user have seen before can be on any page. So I don't understand why you want hold the current page which will show absolutely another data as it showed before.


If you do need to hold the page you can do this in the following way. Inside of the loadComplete you can save the value of page parameter. Inside of onSortCol event handler the value will be already changed to 1, but you can correct it to the value which you saved before. I didn't tested this, but I think it should work.


UPDATED: Now I think I understand your original problem. I think you should choose another way described here or here. What you needs is just to save in the cookie the postData value and to set search:true parameter of jqGrid if the filters is not empty (or other filter parameter depend on the options which you use). In the way you should be able to restore not only the filter, but additionally the page value. The final solution can a little depend from jqGrid parameters and the parameters of filterToolbar which you use. So it you will have implementation problem you should include more code which you use.


08-05 00:28