


Whats the different between using these two functions in VBA? Is there a speed advantage of using one over the other?



TL; DR 除非您有特定的原因要对函数使用Excel的语义(即复制结果,否则将给出单元格,如果您关心性能,请不要使用IsNumber.

TL;DR Unless you have a specific reason to use Excel's semantics for the function (i.e. replicating the result it would give in a cell, don't use IsNumber if you care about performance.


First of all, the result (and performance) is going to differ based on the data type that is passed into the function. If you're pulling values directly from the Worksheet, you have to be aware of the fact that Excel is going to cast the value differently depending on how you access it:

Public Sub Foo()
    Debug.Print IsNumeric("1e12")   'True
    Debug.Print Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber("1e12")  'False
    [A1] = "1e12"
    'The next 2 are the same, but the first is an implicit call to .Value
    Debug.Print Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber([A1])    'True 
    Debug.Print Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber([A1].Value)    'True
    Debug.Print Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber([A1].Text)    'False
End Sub


Next, there is a small overhead of the dereferencing calls against WorksheetFunction, so I'll control for that in the benchmarks below by wrapping it in a With block. Note also the difference in performance (and return value o_O) between handling a string and a number:

Private Const ITERATIONS As Long = 1000000

Private Sub RunAll()
    Test 1000
    Test "1000"
End Sub

Private Sub Test(testValue As Variant)
    IsNumericBenchMark testValue
    IsNumberBenchMark testValue
End Sub

Private Sub IsNumericBenchMark(inputValue As Variant)
    Dim start As Single, i As Long
    start = Timer
    For i = 1 To ITERATIONS
        IsNumeric inputValue
    Debug.Print "IsNumeric" & vbTab & Timer - start & vbTab & IsNumeric(inputValue)
End Sub

Private Sub IsNumberBenchMark(inputValue As Variant)
    Dim start As Single, i As Long
    start = Timer
    With WorksheetFunction
        For i = 1 To ITERATIONS
            .IsNumber inputValue
    End With
    Debug.Print "IsNumber" & vbTab & Timer - start & vbTab & WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(inputValue)
End Sub


IsNumeric   0.09375     True
IsNumber    5.664063    True
IsNumeric   0.6796875   True
IsNumber    6.796875    False


It's official, IsNumber is not exactly a top performer.


10-15 08:03