我正在写Spark Jobs,它在Datastax中与Cassandra对话.
I'm writing Spark Jobs that talk to Cassandra in Datastax.
Sometimes when working through a sequence of steps in a Spark job, it is easier to just get a new RDD rather than join to the old one.
您可以通过调用SparkContext [getOrCreate][1]
You can do this by calling the SparkContext [getOrCreate][1]
现在,有时在Spark Job中会担心到,引用SparkContext会占用无法序列化的大对象(Spark Context),并尝试通过网络分发它.
Now sometimes there are concerns inside a Spark Job that referring to the SparkContext can take a large object (the Spark Context) which is not serializable and try and distribute it over the network.
In this case - you're registering a singleton for that JVM, and so it gets around the problem of serialization.
One day my tech lead came to me and said
But he didn't give a reason.
TL; DR 有许多getOrCreate
TL;DR There are many legitimate applications of the getOrCreate
methods but attempt to find a loophole to perform map-side joins is not one of them.
In general there is nothing deeply wrong with SparkContext.getOrCreate
. The method has its applications, and although there some caveats, most notably:
- 以最简单的形式,它不允许您设置作业特定的属性,第二个变体(
(SparkConf) => SparkContext
保持在范围. - 这可能导致具有魔术"依赖性的不透明代码.它会影响测试策略和整体代码可读性.
- In its simplest form it doesn't allow you to set job specific properties, and the second variant (
(SparkConf) => SparkContext
) requires passingSparkConf
around, which is hardly an improvement over keepingSparkContext
in the scope. - It can lead to opaque code with "magic" dependency. It affects testing strategies and overall code readability.
However your question, specifically:
suggests you're actually using the method in a way that it was never intended to be used. By using SparkContext
on an executor node.
val rdd: RDD[_] = ???
rdd.map(_ => {
val sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
This is definitely something that you shouldn't do.
初始化,并且大量使用Apache Spark的开发人员阻止用户进行任何在驱动程序外部使用SparkContex
Each Spark application should have one, and only one SparkContext
initialized on the driver, and Apache Spark developers made at a lot prevent users from any attempts of using SparkContex
outside the driver. It is not because SparkContext
is large, or impossible to serialize, but because it is fundamental feature of the Spark's computing model.
As you probably know, computation in Spark is described by a directed acyclic graph of dependencies, which:
- 以可以转化为实际任务的方式描述处理管道.
- 在任务失败的情况下启用正常恢复.
- 允许适当的资源分配,并确保没有循环依赖性.
- Describes processing pipeline in a way that can be translated into actual task.
- Enables graceful recovery in case of task failures.
- Allows proper resource allocation and ensures lack of cyclic dependencies.
Let's focus on the last part. Since each executor JVM gets its own instance of SparkContext
cyclic dependencies are not an issue - RDDs
and Datasets
exist only in a scope of its parent context so you won't be able to objects belonging to the application driver.
Proper resource allocation is a different thing. Since each SparkContext
creates its own Spark application, your "main" process won't be able to account for resources used by the contexts initialized in the tasks. At the same time cluster manager won't have any indication that application or somehow interconnected. This is likely to cause deadlock-like conditions.
It is technically possible to go around it, with careful resource allocation and usage of the manager-level scheduling pools, or even a separate cluster manager with its own set or resources, but it is not something that Spark is designed for, it not supported, and overall would lead to brittle and convoluted design, where correctness depends on a configuration details, specific cluster manager choice and overall cluster utilization.