


I am trying to install flake8 package using pip3 and it seems that it refuses to install because is already installed in one local location.


How can I force it to install globally (system level)?

pip3 install flake8
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): flake8 in ./.local/lib/python3.4/site-packages

请注意,我更喜欢一种通用解决方案(应该在Debian,OS X甚至Windows上都可以使用),该解决方案可以在任何平台上使用,所以我不想自己指定目的地.

Please note that I would prefer a generic solution (that should work on Debian, OS X maybe even Windows), one that should be used on any platform so I don't want to specify the destination myself.


For some weird reason it behaves like I already specified --user which in my case I didn't.


The only way I was able to install a package globally was to first remove it and install it again after this. Somehow it seems that pip (8.1.1) refuses to install a package globally if it exists locally.


Disclaimer: No virtual environments were used or harmed during the experiments.



Why don't you try sudo with the H flag? This should do the trick.

sudo -H pip install flake8

常规sudo pip install flake8将尝试使用您自己的主目录. -H指示它使用系统的主目录.有关更多信息,请访问 https://stackoverflow.com/a/43623102/

A regular sudo pip install flake8 will try to use your own home directory. The -H instructs it to use the system's home directory. More info at https://stackoverflow.com/a/43623102/


08-13 10:21