本文介绍了SailsJS 用户访问级别和角色的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我正在使用我学到的东西 这里 构建用户认证系统.本质上它是使用护照本地身份验证.

I am using what I have learnt here to build a user authentication system. Essentially it is using passport local auth.

如何将用户访问级别和角色添加到 SailsJS?例如,我想要访问级别(canWriteAll、canWriteOwn、canRead)以及这些分配给的用户角色(管理员、贡献者、用户...等).

How would I add users access levels and roles to SailsJS? For example I would like access levels (canWriteAll, canWriteOwn, canRead) with user roles that these are assigned to (admin, contributor, user...etc..).


Sails 具有内置的基于策略的访问控制系统.首先查看文档.

Sails has built-in policy based access control system. Check out documentation first.


  • 在您的用户模型中创建所需的访问级别属性,默认情况下等于最基本的访问级别.这可以是数字(如 1 - 管理员和 100 - 未经身份验证的用户,以及它们之间的其他角色)或字符串(如 administratormoderatorguest>) 或任何东西.

  • create required access level attribute in your User model equal to most basic access level by default. This can be number (like 1 - administrator and 100 - unauthenticated user, and other roles between them) or string (like administrator, moderator, guest) or anything.

policies 文件夹中创建中间件(查看文档以获取示例).

create middlewares in policies folder (check documentation for examples).

政策 配置文件为每个控制器及其方法添加策略.

in policies configuration file add policy for each controller and their methods.


UserController: {
  '*': false,                    // disallow for each method not listed here
  find: ['guest'],               // check guest.js middleware for permission
  destroy: ['administrator']     // check administrator.js middleware for permission

这篇关于SailsJS 用户访问级别和角色的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 23:28