private button1_click(object sender,EventArgs e)
Form2 F2 = new Form2();
The values entered on the win forms are deleting once i close the form and reopen it.
how i can the save the entered values
What I have tried:
private button1_click(object sender,EventArgs e)
Form2 F2 = new Form2();
private string userName = "OriginalGriff";
MyForm mf = new MyForm();
mf.UserName = userName;
if (mf.Show() == DialogResult.OK)
userName = mf.UserName;
您存储此类信息的确切位置取决于您 - 上面的示例只是在显示新表单的表单中将其保存在类级别 - 它取决于您可以使用的内容以及您希望数据的持久性!
Exactly where you store such info is up to you - the example above just holds it at class level in the Form that displays the new form - it depends on what is available to you and how persistent you want the data to be!
private Form2 f2;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
f2 = new Form2();
// subscribe to the Action/Event on Form2
f2.SendDataAction += SendDataAction;
private void btnShowForm2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Action/Event to "broadcast" data
private void SendDataAction(string tboxtxt, int cboxitmndx, string cbxitmtxt)
// handle the incoming data here
2。在第二个Form ...假设有一个TextBox'textBox1,一个Button'btnSendData和一个ComboBox'comboBox1:
2. In the second Form ... assume there's a TextBox 'textBox1, a Button 'btnSendData, and a ComboBox 'comboBox1 :
public Action<string,> SendDataAction {set; get; }
private void btnSendData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (SendDataAction != null)
SendDataAction(textBox1.Text, comboBox1.SelectedIndex, comboBox1.SelectedText);
2在Form1中,你会注意到在创建了Form2'f2的实例后,我们可以通过使用+ =运算符传递对我们创建的'SendDataAction ...的方法的引用来订阅Form2上的Action / Event,我们在其InvocationList中添加了一个方法。
注意:'Action和'Func是用.NET 3.5添加到.NET的代理的替代编写方法(语法)。与所有代表一样,它们是多播的(支持多个订阅者)。
What happens here:
1. in Form2 a Delegate (Action) that takes three parameters, a string, an int, and a string, is defined as a Public Property.
1.a. when the 'btnSendData is clicked, if the Action is not null (has subscribers), the Action is invoked, passing the values from the TextBox and ComboBox Controls.
2. in Form1, you'll note that after creating the instance of Form2 'f2, then we can subscribe to the Action/Event on Form2 by passing a reference to the method we create 'SendDataAction ... by using the += operator, we add a method to its InvocationList.
2.a. so, the 'SendDataAction method we defined in Form1 will get invoked by the Button click in Form2, and will receive the data.
Keep in mind that "one size does not fit all:" in other circumstances you may wish to retrieve the data in the second Form "on demand" when some event occurs in the first (Main) form. That calls for another strategy. You may wish to force the second Form to notify the first Form when the user closes it, passing whatever data has been entered.
One reason for "formalizing" transfer of data from one context (Form) to another ... as shown here ... is to achieve "encapsulation," to avoid any possibility that anything that happens on the second Form can somehow "screw up" the first Form, and, the reverse.
The second Form "has no idea" what/how-many subscribers there are to the 'SendDataAction Action/Event: it's just going to "broadcast" to all of them.
Note: 'Action and 'Func are alternative ways of writing (syntax for) a Delegate added to .NET with .NET 3.5. As with all Delegates, they are multi-cast (support multiple subscribers).