本文介绍了在自定义 SSRS 报告中报告 TFS 2015 标签数据的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要向查询 TFS_Warehouse 的自定义 SSRS 报告集合添加标签报告功能(在一种情况下,我必须查询操作存储以收集测试用例步骤).这些报告都使用连接到我的自定义 TFS_Warehouse_Extensions 数据库的 SQL Server 数据源.

I need to add tag reporting capability to a collection of custom SSRS reports which query TFS_Warehouse (and in one case I had to query the operational store to gather test case steps). These reports all use a SQL Server datasource connected to my custom TFS_Warehouse_Extensions database.

如果这听起来很熟悉,我昨天问了这个问题并得到了很好的回应……然后我发现我们上周从 2013 年升级到 2015 年,dbo.workitemsare 不见了.

If this sounds familiar, I asked this question yesterday and got a wonderful response... then I discovered we upgraded from 2013 to 2015 last week and dbo.workitemsare is gone.

我正在使用 VS 2015 并且我更像是一名数据库开发人员而不是 C# 程序员(我知道足够危险).有什么方法可以将 TFS 2015 工作项中的标签添加到我的 SSRS 报告中?

I am using VS 2015 and am more of a database developer than a C# programmer (I know just enough to be dangerous). Is there any way I can get tags from TFS 2015 workitems into my SSRS reports?

建议的重复答案不是完全相同的问题.某些工作项视图是否丢失是辅助性的.我的要求是一种在 SSRS 中查询 TFS 标签的方法.到目前为止,我认为这两个线程都没有答案,因为没有人提出满足要求的解决方案.

the proposed duplicate answer is not exactly the same problem. Whether or not some work items views went missing is ancillary. My requirement is for a way to query TFS tags in SSRS. So far I consider this unanswered in either thread since no one has proposed a solution that meets the requirement.


@Cyndi,我是报告团队的项目经理.目前,除了使用查询编辑器进行查询外,不支持使用标签进行报告.我们确实有一个新的报告解决方案正在开发中,并且将支持标签报告.我还没有发布的确切日期,但请参阅此 博文 了解一些细节.今年夏天,我们将发布更多公告.

@Cyndi, I'm a Program Manager with the reporting team. Currently reporting with Tags is not supported aside from queries with the query editor. We do have a new reporting solution we're working on and reporting on tags will be supported. I don't have an exact date for the release yet, but see this blog post for some details. We'll have more announcements to make this summer.

这篇关于在自定义 SSRS 报告中报告 TFS 2015 标签数据的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 07:52