

fn func(s: *mut String, a: *mut i32) -> usize {
    println!("{}", unsafe { *s });
    println!("{}", unsafe { *a });

    unsafe { (*s).len() }

fn main() {
    let mut s = String::from("hello");
    let mut a = 10;

    func(&mut s, &mut a);


 error[E0507]: cannot move out of dereference of raw pointer
 --> src/main.rs:2:29
2 |     println!("{}", unsafe { *s });
  |                             ^^ cannot move out of dereference of raw pointer



Rust中的基本整数类型(实际上还有许多其他类型)实现 Copy特征.它们具有复制语义",而不具有移动语义".这里的所有权没有变化...您是在复制价值. String 没有实现 Copy特征,因此此绑定具有移动语义".

这不是原始指针独有,也与它们的可变性无关. 此示例显示这种情况可能发生于不可变引用:

fn func(s: &String, a: &i32) {
    let _x = *s;
    let _x = *a;


unsafe {
    println!("{}", *s);

它在操场上运行. >


fn func(s: *mut String, a: *mut i32) -> usize {
    println!("{}", unsafe { *s });
    println!("{}", unsafe { *a });

    unsafe { (*s).len() }

fn main() {
    let mut s = String::from("hello");
    let mut a = 10;

    func(&mut s, &mut a);

The above code fails with the error:

error[E0507]: cannot move out of dereference of raw pointer
 --> src/main.rs:2:29
2 |     println!("{}", unsafe { *s });
  |                             ^^ cannot move out of dereference of raw pointer

Why does it happen for String and not for i32? Why is it complaining of a "move"?


The basic integral types (and in fact, many other types) in Rust implement the Copy trait. They have "copy semantics", not "move semantics". There is no change of ownership here... you're copying out the value. String does not implement the Copy trait and therefore this binding has "move semantics".

This is not unique to raw pointers nor does it have anything to do with their mutability. This example shows this can happen with immutable references:

fn func(s: &String, a: &i32) {
    let _x = *s;
    let _x = *a;

It does this because you're attempting to move ownership out of the unsafe block. As long as you're care-free about this then you need to contain the "move" within the unsafe block so the compiler just lets you shoot yourself in the foot. As such, if you restructure your code so as to not move outside of the unsafe block, the code will compile:

unsafe {
    println!("{}", *s);

Here it is running in the playground.

To re-iterate Shepmaster's point in the comment on your question though... if the term "move" sounds foreign to you then you should not be using raw pointers/unsafe blocks in the first place and should instead head back to the available documentation for Rust to understand the concept.. as it is a core one.


08-23 06:19