

本文介绍了Delphi XE2 TurboPower组件状态的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


TurboPower组件是最受欢迎的商业组件库之一,许多Delphi开发人员仍然使用它们开源。而不是单独询问,我想我会问每个组件的XE2兼容性的一个问题。 TurboPower Abbrevia,AsyncPro和LockBox为主。

兼容性包括平台支持:XE2 Win32,Win64,Mac OS X.(我怀疑Async Pro会永远去Mac OS X,但至少XE2 Win32)


Abbrevia v5.0 支持XE2。完全支持Win64,OS X支持所有除zip压缩算法,MS CAB存档和视觉控件之外的所有内容。

具有用于 Async Pro 的XE2软件包,但仅适用于Win32。

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LockBox v2 已更新对于Win64和Delphi 2009-XE3&免费Pascal支持。 LockBox v3.40 支持XE2中的Win32 / Win64和声称他们正在使用OS X / iOS支持。

Office合作伙伴在其Subversion版本库中支持XE2 / Win32。我做到了这一点,但它主要是合并在论坛上发布的变化。我没有在Win64上测试,不打算。

Orpheus v4.08 支持Win32 / Win64。 AFAIK他们不打算支持FireMonkey。

OnGuard 尚未在Delphi 2010之前更新。

ShellShock SysTools XML合作伙伴都有最新版本的XE2包,只有Win32版本。

TP Essentials 尚未更新。

The TurboPower components were among the most popular commercial component libraries and are still used by many Delphi developers as they went open source. Instead of asking individually, I thought I'd ask a single question as to the state of XE2 compatibility for each of the components. TurboPower Abbrevia, AsyncPro, and LockBox as the main ones.

Compatibility includes platform support: XE2 Win32, Win64, Mac OS X. (I doubt that Async Pro would ever go Mac OS X, but perhaps XE2 Win32 at least.)


Abbrevia v5.0 supports XE2. Win64 is fully supported, OS X supports everything except the zipx decompression algorithms, MS CAB archives, and the visual controls.

SongBeamer has XE2 packages for Async Pro, but only for Win32.

LockBox v2 on GitHub has been updated for Win64 and Delphi 2009-XE3 & Free Pascal support. LockBox v3.40 supports Win32/Win64 in XE2 and the website claims they're working on OS X/iOS support.

Office Partner has XE2/Win32 support in its Subversion repository. I did that, but it was mostly merging changes posted in the forums. I haven't tested it on Win64 and don't plan to.

Orpheus v4.08 supports Win32/Win64. AFAIK they aren't planning on supporting FireMonkey.

OnGuard hasn't been updated past Delphi 2010 yet.

ShellShock, SysTools, and XML Partner all have XE2 packages in their latest releases, but look like they're only Win32 versions.

TP Essentials hasn't been updated.

这篇关于Delphi XE2 TurboPower组件状态的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 07:27