


如果我理解正确,数据包的 TCP 头中的序列号是整个流中数据包中第一个字节的索引,对吗?如果是这样,由于序列号是一个无符号的 32 位整数,那么传输超过 FFFFFFFF = 4294967295 个字节后会发生什么?序列号会回绕,还是发送方会发送一个SYN包从0重新开始?


序列号循环回 0. 的第 4 章.

This is more of a theoretical question than an actual problem I have.

If I understand correctly, the sequence number in the TCP header of a packet is the index of the first byte in the packet in the whole stream, correct? If that is the case, since the sequence number is an unsigned 32-bit integer, then what happens after more than FFFFFFFF = 4294967295 bytes are transferred? Will the sequence number wrap around, or will the sender send a SYN packet to restart at 0?


The sequence number loops back to 0. Source:

Also see chapter 4 of RFC 1323.


08-12 11:27