

我试图更好地理解C99标准,但现在我对将枚举用作结构中的位域以及是否将它们视为int或实现定义的类型感到困惑.在查找C99的最终草案时,我发现6.7.2.1段. 4

I'm trying to better understand the C99 standard but now I'm confused about using enums as bitfields in structs and if they are treated as int or as implementation-defined type. When looking up in the final draft for C99, I found para. 4

和6.7.2.2段. 4

and para. 4


So I tried with this simple source code

enum e {
    E0, E1

struct s {
    enum e bitfield : 4;

我可以使用-std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic使用gcc-5.0和clang-3.5进行编译而不会发出警告,但是我使用gcc-4.8会收到以下警告

I can compile this without warnings with gcc-5.0 and clang-3.5 using -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic but I get the following warning with gcc-4.8

warning: type of bit-field 'bitfield' is a GCC extension


Here start the confusion. Are enums as bitfields treated as int or implemenation-defined type? Is this a bug in GCC-4.8 or did they change their interpretation of the standard? And is it safe to use this with other C99-compiler?




What you're seeing is a change in the implementation-defined behavior of gcc.

正如您引用的标准部分所述,位字段必须为_Boolintunsigned int某种实现定义的类型.

As it says in the section of the standard you quoted, a bit field must be of type _Bool, int, unsigned int, or some implementation-defined type.

enum类型与某些整数类型兼容.通过实验并查看gcc手册,可以发现对于gcc,您的enum eunsigned int兼容.但是该标准不允许位字段与unsigned int兼容.它实际上必须是unsigned int类型(兼容类型不一定是同一类型). 除了,它还可以是其他一些实现定义的类型.

A enum type is compatible with some integer type. Experiment and a look at the gcc manual shows that for gcc, your enum e is compatible with unsigned int. But the standard doesn't permit a bit field to be of a type compatible with unsigned int. It actually has to be of type unsigned int (compatible types are not necessarily the same type). Except that it can also be of some other implementation-defined type.

根据 gcc 4.8.4手册:


No other types are permitted in strictly conforming mode.


According to the manual for gcc-5.2.0:

即使在严格符合的模式下,也允许使用其他整数类型(例如long int)和枚举类型.

Other integer types, such as long int, and enumerated types are permitted even in strictly conforming mode.


So what you're seeing is a change in the behavior of gcc, allowing more types for bit fields even in "strictly conforming mode". This is not a change in gcc's interpretation of the standard; both behaviors are permitted.

使用enum作为位字段是不可移植的.合格的C编译器可能支持也可能不支持. (如果gcc保持对此发出警告的能力,我个人会更喜欢.)

Using enums as bit fields is not portable. A conforming C compiler may or may not support them. (I personally would have preferred it if gcc had kept the ability to get a warning for this.)


08-22 18:05