本文介绍了C ++“概念"和"C ++"之间的关系是什么?和鸭打字?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


关于模板和鸭子输入之间的关系,有一个更早的问题(8年前!):我借用并修改了有关C ++新功能的问题的标语线.

There was an earlier question (8 years ago!) about the relationship between templates and duck typing here: What's the relationship between C++ template and duck typing? I've borrowed and modified the tag line for my question on a new feature of C++.

在C ++ 20中,将出现概念"的新功能,该功能看起来更像是鸭式打字功能.新的C ++概念"等同于C ++的鸭子类型是否正确?如果没有,那有什么不同?

With C++20 there will be the new feature of "concept" that looks much more like a duck-typing feature. Is it correct that the new C++ "concept" is equivalent to duck typing for C++? If not, how is it different?



  1. 如果我们接受模板已经在编译时输入鸭子

  1. If we accept that templates are already compile-time duck typing

  • 我不同意链接问题和Wikipedia页面上的已接受答案,因为在编译时而不是运行时执行同一件事并不是说服力的理由完全不同的名称.例如,请参见静态多态性与动态多态性.

  • I disagree with both the accepted answer on the linked question and the Wikipedia page, because doing the same thing at compile time instead of run time is not a persuasive reason to give it a wholly different name. See static vs. dynamic polymorphism for example.


then concepts are not obviously more duck-type-y than templates already are


the other argument here is that duck typing generally supposes you express your type constraints by attempting to use the type. Concepts are further from this model than templates already are.


If we agree (wrongly) with both the accepted answer on the linked question, and with Wikipedia, then

  • 模板不是鸭子类型的一个例子是它们在编译时发生

  • the reason templates are not (an example of) duck typing is that they happen at compile time




Concepts take what templates already do (which may or may not be, but definitely is, duck typing) and give finer-grained options for specialization, and/or more clearly express type constraints, and (hopefully) help to generate better errors.


The quality of duckiness is invariant under all these operations.

这篇关于C ++“概念"和"C ++"之间的关系是什么?和鸭打字?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 06:45