

我在找一个库(preferably MIT / LGPL的风格,将探讨商业的为好),以取代我的应用程序的System.Drawing中的交互式2D图形。我有许多类型对象的大型C#.NET应用程序。这些对象必须是由矩形和梯形psented重新$ P $能围绕由用户移动的画布上,并动态地改变基于位置的颜色和重叠,而在同步对象保持值。它目前正在与内置的GDI +库,但它看起来并不非常有吸引力,是一个有点马车和缓慢的,尤其是当有大量的对象。作为奖金这将是很好,能够很容易地显示地图,选择经度/纬度坐标,并绘制在它的上面。任何人都知道一个神奇的库,所有这一切? ;)

i'm looking for a library (preferably MIT/LGPL style, will explore commercial ones as well) to replace my application's System.Drawing interactive 2d graphics. i have a large c#.net application with many types of objects. these objects need to be represented by rectangles and trapezoids that can be moved around by the user on a canvas and dynamically change colors based on location and overlaps while keeping values in the objects synchronized. it is currently working with the built in GDI+ libraries but it doesn't look very attractive and is a bit buggy and slow, especially when there is a large number of objects. as a bonus it would be nice to be able to easily display maps, select longitude/latitude coordinates, and draw on top of it. anybody know of a magic library that does it all? ;)



使用WPF,你的编码,它使用的DirectX而不是GDI,以显示其控件一个GUI应用程序。而2D和3D图形很容易获得,使您能够同时生产什么,你在你的问题描述和比较先进的(和闪光/惊人的/ etc。)2D和3D效果,但与一些XML标记。

With WPF, you're coding a GUI application which uses DirectX instead of GDI to display its widgets. And both 2D and 3D graphics are easily available, enabling you to produce both what you describe in your question, and quite advanced (and flashing/amazing/etc.) 2D and 3D effects with but a few XML tags.


08-29 04:09