


Is there a way to pass a socket between processes (not same address space) in Windows?


I find this info Shared Sockets, therefore believe that it is possible.

"引入了WSADuplicateSocket函数以启用跨进程的套接字共享" ...

"The WSADuplicateSocket function is introduced to enable socket sharing across processes"...

更多信息:在Apache的源代码(httpd-2.2.11-win32-src.zip)上使用了带有注释的api WSADuplicateSocket.

More info : at source code of Apache (httpd-2.2.11-win32-src.zip) have usage for api WSADuplicateSocket with comments.

是否可以从非托管进程转移套接字? -套接字复制-第2部分

Recently I find this great sample about this question.
How duplication is done in the unmanaged world - Socket Duplication - Part 1
Is it possible to transfer sockets from unmanaged processes? - Socket Duplication - Part 2


请参见 WSADuplicateSocket .它有效地表明您可以使用最喜欢的进程间通信方案"将WSAPROTOCOL_INFO结构(仅仅是数据!)发送到目标.

See the Remarks section of WSADuplicateSocket. It effectively says you can use Your Favorite Interprocess Communication Scheme to send the WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure (it's just data!) to the target.

有很多IPC方案.我可能将共享内存与 Boost :: interprocess .但是,如果目标具有窗口+消息循环,则可以使用SendMessage.或剪贴板API,就此而言(尽管有些奇怪).该机制由您选择.

There are lots of IPC schemes. I'd probably use shared memory with Boost::interprocess. But you could use SendMessage if the target has a window + message loop. Or the Clipboard API, for that matter (though somewhat weird). The mechanism is your choice.
